The Environment Secretary has today announced that the Payment by Results (PBR) project will be the first agri-environment scheme directly funded by the UK
A new guide has been released which sets out simple steps farmers, advisors and contractors can take to reduce ammonia emissions to help improve air quality.
Leading women from the food and farming sectors from around the country will join Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns at an event to celebrate Welsh women’s contributions to British farming at the Royal Welsh Show today
The latest report from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has revealed that the agriculture industry still has the highest rate of fatal injuries compared to any other sector.
Nicolas Friggens, coordinator of the GenTORE project at INRA, France reveals why genomics and precision agriculture are a perfect match for improving farm sustainability
Environment secretary, Michael Gove has announced that UK universities and research centres which improve the resilience, sustainability and quality of major crops, will be the lucky recipients of a £5.3 million government fund.
Prof Robert Aiken, research crop scientist at Northwest Research—Extension Center tells us about his fascinating research into water and temperature, including the extent to which they limit crop productivity.
University of Hull, School of Politics, Philosophy and International Studies, Graduate Student, Tom Jones, asks if blockchain technology might provide a boost to post-Brexit farming.
Daniel Berckmans and Tomas Norton from M3-BIORES, Catholic University of Leuven together explore the importance of animal welfare and livestock farming in Europe
Cristina Cruz from FCiencias.Id discusses agriculture sustainability, high demand and the need for the use of fertilizers
We all know how much pressure agriculture is under....
Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explains the Commission’s support for EU aquaculture and supporting farmers in the water
A conference organised by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels, Belgium, on 8 March has discussed the current international agricultural trade rules and how to establish fairer international trade
Business Secretary Greg Clark, announced plans to invest £90 million into improving technology in UK agriculture at the National Farmers’ Union Conference (February 21st).