The 2024 Global Health Expenditure Report released by the WHO (World Health Organization) reveals that after an initial surge in public health spending during the COVID-19 pandemic, the average government cost of health per capita dropped in 2022 across all income groups.
Jill Pennington, Consulting Director & Peter Clarke, Head of Product Consulting at PSI Talent Management, tell us what we need to know about how developing a leadership climate in the NHS humanises healthcare.
In a world where we are becoming more conscious of the energy we use and our rising bills, Ella Hendrix discusses ways to beat increasing energy costs in 2020.
Here, Arianna Agosto, Paolo Giudici, Paolo Pagnottoni and Anca Mirela Toma discuss how a research-driven European environment can create sustainable digital finance for Fintech risk management.
As we fast approach the festive season, Asktraders conducted an analysis of the UK High Street, looking at ATM, bank branches, retail store closures and ONS % growth of the retail sector over the course of 2019.
We already know the story of how the Internet has revolutionised society, but perhaps less understood is the role it had in democratising and shaping investment strategies.
Exclusion in a cashless society is becoming our reality, with eWallets, cards and bank transfers surviving as the most popular payment methods in 2018.