Inflation, tax, energy, gas, food, and travel costs are all expected to rise in 2022 – hitting lower income households the hardest across, with UK inflation at 7%.
While higher minimum wage has been connected to improved quality of life, US data finds that fewer people tend to default on their rent payments - making landlords raise rent prices.
The average wages for healthcare workers rose less than wages in other industries during 2020 and the first six months of 2021 across the US – despite the pandemic causing healthcare burnout.
Becoming second worldwide in women’s representation rankings, the UK has climbed up the FTSE 100 index - from only 12.5% of women on boards, to just under 40%.
Sharon Davies, CEO, Young Enterprise, looks into the financial pressures facing university students, the hurdles they must overcome and what can be done to help combat these issues.
Simon Gray, Head of Finance and Operations at Agilisys, discusses how modern agile financial management systems can enhance strategic decision making in the public sector.
Hugh Stevens, the Head of Strategic Growth at LiveRamp, explores how better data use can help ensure the high street can truly get back on its feet post-pandemic, the impact of eCommerce on the future of retail and how physical stores can survive.
Christian Keuschnigg discusses how venture capitalists & banks facilitate the process of creative destruction & steer capital towards a more productive use