
U.S. seafood industry: Science-based fishery management

Colleen Coyne, Seafood Program Coordinator at Food Export USA-Northeast, discusses how science-based conservation methods are guiding the U.S. seafood industry to foster responsible fishery management.

Do electric eels have the power to drive genetic modification?

Electric eels are renowned for their ability to generate up to 860 volts of electricity, a power potential previously harnessed to run machines.

The Isle of Man’s approach to sustainable fishing

Jack Emmerson, Sea Fisheries Policy Manager Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, shares the Isle of Man’s approach to supporting a sustainable fishing industry whilst still benefiting the local economy.

New approach for coral reef restoration offers hope for declining reefs

An international team of scientists, in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and the Australian Institute of Marine Science, have developed an for coral reef restoration.

Ocean resources, coastal communities & the fishing sector

Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG MARE, European Commission, describes a holistic approach to the sustainable use of ocean resources, thriving coastal communities and a profitable fishing sector.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood linked to lower risk of kidney problems

Study shows how higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood are associated with a moderately lower risk of chronic kidney disease and, therefore, a slower decline in kidney function.

We can’t protect our climate without ocean action

Steve Trent, CEO and Co-Founder of the Environmental Justice Foundation, argues that we can’t protect our climate without ocean action.

PerformFISH supports sustainable development of marine fish farming in the Mediterranean

PerformFISH supports the leading fish farming sector in the EU to accelerate sustainable development.

Oceans and the circular economy

Open Access Government charts the priorities of Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, particularly concerning the role of oceans and the circular economy.

Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations

Komodo National Park has one of the world’s largest manta ray habitats – and researchers think this may be due to stricter tourism regulations allowing them to flourish.

ASTRAL (2020-2024): A collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture

Here, we discover that All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, ProfiTable and Resilient AquacuLture (ASTRAL) involves a collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture

Innovative technology for sustainable food production

Bengt Fellbe, Leader at SSEC, argues that sustainable and climate-smart food production requires competent and cutting-edge technology

Polyculture farming for marine aquaculture’s climate impact

Researchers looking at the climate impact of aquaculture find that food production can sustain a lower carbon footprint - with polyculture farming techniques.

LED-illuminated fishing nets cut 95% of bycatch, protecting threatened species

A new study highlights the benefits of LED illuminated fishing nets, which reduce the bycatch of sharks and skates while still sustaining catch rates of target species – as well as protecting others.

Ocean warming has caused fish to shrink in size

Researchers have found that ocean warming, acidification and oxygen depletion have caused a species shift, causing fish to have smaller body sizes.

Protecting Europe’s oceans

Open Access Government look ahead to the 2022 priorities of Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.

Behavioural adaptations in fish may help them adapt to Ocean warming

Virginia Tech scientists are showing the resilient nature of cold-water fish in the face of climate change and rising ocean temperatures


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