The UK government is committed to investing £2.65 billion into flood defences across England, hoping to protect lives, homes and businesses from the effects of flooding, Edie reported.
To welcome Green GB Week, the Coal Authority has shown how its award-winning approach to delivering sustainable solutions has come from Britain’s coal mining legacy.
The Environment Agency’s Chief Executive Sir James Bevan has highlighted the need for a new approach in his keynote speech at the annual Flood and Coast Conference
A flood resilience campaigner is warning households to be prepared for the thaw which could cause flooding following the recent spell of wintry conditions across the UK
The Environment Agency have warned that climate change will cause more frequent flooding in the UK and have launched their 'Flood Action Campaign' to prepare those at risk.
Used proactively, technology can help local councils' flood preparedness and resilience in a number of ways, as Intermedix’s Ian Carr describes
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