Ingmar Høgøy, CEO and Founder of Greentech Innovators, explores solutions to environmental issues related to food waste and landfill sites. He emphasises the need for collaboration among innovators, politicians, and investors.
Will Wepsala, Public Affairs Specialist at the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, walks us through the work of intercepting smuggled products to protect animal health.
Experts have called on international governments to include animal welfare policies in sustainable governance, to promote better animal health in future politics.
Over a quarter of study participants contaminate salad with raw chicken – not washing surfaces efficiently or cooking chicken properly can pose great threats to food safety.
Experts warn that an increasingly unhealthy diet is not only bad for humans, but also global agrobiodiversity – slowly damaging human health and the Earth.
Mark Gleason, Professor, Iowa State University Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Microbiology in the U.S., describes the pesticide problem and in this vein, why testing new options is needed to sustain apple production.
Lynn Brandenberger, Professor of Horticultural Food Crops and Ajay Nair Associate Professor Extension Vegetable Specialist, discuss the importance of soil care for crop production, particularly when it comes to soil organic matter
Cattle production is under serious economic threat due to the increasing heat stress placed on the animals – facing a financial loss of up to $40 billion yearly.
Plant ecologists suggest that people should be eating more insects and using the insect waste to grow crops, as it gives added nutrients to the soil we use.