Food Industry

Controlling pests through AI for a safer food production process

In today's manufacturing and supply chain industries, a minor pest infestation can have a huge impact, potentially leading to costly shutdowns and long-lasting damage. As well as costing a company's finances and reputation.

Eating insects: Sustainable crop growth with insect waste?

Plant ecologists suggest that people should be eating more insects and using the insect waste to grow crops, as it gives added nutrients to the soil we use.

Why forests are good for you: Food security and nutrition in Latin America

Debbie Pierce and Winy Vasquez examine the important role  forests have played in food security during the Covid-19 pandemic.

New clues for reproducing breast milk in baby formula

Frederique Lisacek from SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, ponders if we are getting closer to reproducing breast milk in baby formula

Innovative technology for sustainable food production

Bengt Fellbe, Leader at SSEC, argues that sustainable and climate-smart food production requires competent and cutting-edge technology

Agricultural innovation & its challenges

David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, highlights agricultural innovation and its challenges, including how the USDA’s NIFA is supporting this policy area.

Advancing a competitive bioeconomy for a sustainable future

Philippe Mengal, Executive Director at CBE JU ‐ Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, charts the priorities for advancing a competitive bioeconomy in Europe for a sustainable future.

Researchers create six step guide to improve global water quality

The University of Waterloo have created six steps to improve water quality, address nitrogen pollution and examine nitrogen legacies.

Rice feeds the world, now more than ever

Jesica Kincaid, Senior Manager, International Trade Policy, USA Rice, argues that rice feeds the world, now more than ever.

A perspective on industrial livestock production

Peter Stevenson OBE, Chief Policy Advisor from Compassion in World Farming, provides a perspective on industrial livestock production

Could warning images on products deter childhood obesity?

A study finds that parents are less likely to buy sugary drinks when they have warnings about health on their labels – reducing sugary drink purchases by 17%.

Polyculture farming for marine aquaculture’s climate impact

Researchers looking at the climate impact of aquaculture find that food production can sustain a lower carbon footprint - with polyculture farming techniques.

LED-illuminated fishing nets cut 95% of bycatch, protecting threatened species

A new study highlights the benefits of LED illuminated fishing nets, which reduce the bycatch of sharks and skates while still sustaining catch rates of target species – as well as protecting others.

Cutting beef from US diet could slash carbon footprints by 48%

Tulane University research finds that swapping just one serving per day for a more planet friendly alternative, North Americans could cut their carbon footprint by 48%.

The healthy, cost-effective benefits of sustainable diets

Research highlights the advantages of vegan diets - being both the cheapest food option in high income countries and the healthiest.

UK Government launch child health campaign with NHS Food Scanner App

The UK Government launched a New Better Health campaign for children, with an NHS Food Scanner App for parents to use.

Study finds genetic instructions for cells that aid crop climate tolerance

A new US study funded by the National Science Foundation, reveals how plants resist climate stressors like flooding or drought.


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