Food Research

Controlling pests through AI for a safer food production process

In today's manufacturing and supply chain industries, a minor pest infestation can have a huge impact, potentially leading to costly shutdowns and long-lasting damage. As well as costing a company's finances and reputation.

Farmers seek tech alternatives as bee pollinators decline

Farmers are turning to technology-driven solutions as declining bee populations face challenges in pollinating crops.

Turning root fungus from harmful to helpful

The mould and diseases caused by root fungus can impact the preservation of fruits and vegetables, potentially shortening their shelf life. However, could certain fungi be altered to benefit their host?

Research suggests we should be having more Sumac in our diets

Life expectancy is declining in many UK communities – and diet is central to this. Declining nutritional value of our food means we need more high-value substances like sumac in our daily lives.

What does obesity have to do with the rise in malnutrition in the UK

We tend to associate malnutrition with being underweight due to hunger and starvation. In fact, although this is indeed the case, obesity is also a major cause of malnutrition in the UK.

Does a high-fibre diet reduce the risk of cancer?

Research is now showing that cancer risk can be reduced by increasing the amount of fibre in the diet, is this true?

Feeding the world: A productive and sustainable fishing industry

Phil Haslam, Managing Director of North Atlantic Fishing Company (NAFCO), walks us through feeding the world through a productive and sustainable fishing industry

Nourishing the Future: Understanding sustainable food systems

Sustainable food research is key to understanding the impact food systems have on our health, the environment, and society – but it needs to be accessible.

Why does cannabis give us the “munchies”? Tests on worms could give clues

Researchers looking to see if giving worms cannabinoids alters their existing food preferences find that worms get the “munchies” too.

Could exposure therapy help adolescents with eating disorders?

One of the most effective interventions for certain types of anxiety disorders is exposure therapy – confronting your fears in a safe environment.

Charities call for urgent regulation on supermarket sugar sales

Research has revealed that nine out of ten UK supermarkets lack any policies to measure total supermarket sugar sales across all products and set reduction targets.

Could fecal microbiota transplants cure chronic illnesses?

The Invisible Extinction explores the burgeoning new science of fecal microbiota transplants and how it can help those suffering from chronic illnesses.

Chocolate and health: What are the benefits of chocolate?

660,990 tonnes of chocolate are eaten every year in the UK - that’s around 11 Kg of chocolate per person per year, but are there possible benefits of chocolate? 

Studying the organosulfur content in vegetables

The health benefits of sulfur-rich vegetables is well-known, but can we quantify the organosulfur content in vegetables?

What are the health benefits of live microbes?

The health benefits of live microbes, foods such as yoghurt, other fermented foods and raw fruits and vegetables include improved blood pressure and weight.

Keto diet has highest carbon footprint and lowest nutritional value

Tulane University has compared popular diets to analyse nutritional quality and environmental impact and has found that the keto diet ranks the worst.

Lion’s mane mushroom improves memory and nerve growth

A research team from the University of Queensland have found the active compound from an edible lion's mane mushroom that improves memory and boosts brain cell growth.


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