In today's manufacturing and supply chain industries, a minor pest infestation can have a huge impact, potentially leading to costly shutdowns and long-lasting damage. As well as costing a company's finances and reputation.
Over a quarter of study participants contaminate salad with raw chicken – not washing surfaces efficiently or cooking chicken properly can pose great threats to food safety.
Reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure, where having a lower salt intake will not prevent death, but can improve symptoms and quality of life.
'You are what you eat' has never rung so true, as researchers uncover links between the gut microbiome and personality traits - so, can nutrition change our psychology?
Experts warn that an increasingly unhealthy diet is not only bad for humans, but also global agrobiodiversity – slowly damaging human health and the Earth.
Cattle production is under serious economic threat due to the increasing heat stress placed on the animals – facing a financial loss of up to $40 billion yearly.
Professor Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center offers insight into how the next generation of glutinous rice varieties are critical to food security in Thailand and Laos.
Jeanette C. Mostert & Alejandro Arias Vasquez from the Departments of Genetics and Psychiatry at Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands, lift the lid on improving mental wellbeing through a healthy diet
Plant ecologists suggest that people should be eating more insects and using the insect waste to grow crops, as it gives added nutrients to the soil we use.