Food Research

Controlling pests through AI for a safer food production process

In today's manufacturing and supply chain industries, a minor pest infestation can have a huge impact, potentially leading to costly shutdowns and long-lasting damage. As well as costing a company's finances and reputation.

Multiplex Array Technology for risk assessment in the food industry

Martin D. Chapman, President & CEO and Ross Yarham, Business Relationship Associate, both from Indoor Biotechnologies, shed light on Multiplex Array Technology for risk assessment in the food industry.

How is children’s mental health associated with nutrition?

According to a study, children who eat better, more nutritional diets, with more fruit and vegetables, have better mental health and wellbeing.

The need for strengthening food supply chains in a post pandemic society

With the outbreak of the pandemic, supply and demand a became key issue around the globe for many sectors. The agricultural market was no different.

Understanding the different roads to food system sustainability

Executive Director, U.S. Sustainability Alliance navigates the task of global food production sustainability, illustrating there is more than one approach.

Rice: The little world traveller

Sarah Moran, Vice President, International from USA Rice, walks us through what we need to know about rice, the little world traveller

Fish oil microencapsulation: Improving human health with fortified food

Professor Charlotte Jacobsen and co-authors; Research Manager Heidi Johnsen, Dr. Rasa Slizyte, Dr. Revilija Mozuraityte, Dr. Wilhelm Glomm, Dr. Peter Molesworth, and Dr. Betül Yesiltas , explore how fish oil microencapsulation would allow for better fortification of food products and improve human health.

Rice crop: A vital cog in ensuring food security

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, argues that the rice crop is a vital cog in ensuring food security

New Ideotype of Rice with Improved Water-use Efficiency

Professor Apichart Vanavichit discusses the importance of rice crop and developments in rice production in light of the growing need of water efficiency.

Scientists say adapt plant roots to protect food security from climate

Overheating is creating issues for agriculture across the globe - now, scientists think that adapting plant roots to the heat could protect food security.

Natural pest control: Moving forward with biopesticides

Dr Joel R. Coats, Distinguished Professor of Entomology & Toxicology, explains biopesticides in the field of natural pest control.

Starfish & discard from cod fish: A source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids?

Prof Charlotte Jacobsen, Professor and Head of Research Group for Bioactives – Analysis and Application at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, discusses how starfish and discard from different types of cod fish can be a potential source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

CIRCLES: Microbiome research for healthy and sustainable food systems

Here we learn all about Horizon 2020 funded Project CIRCLES, which provides the scientific knowledge to exploit natural microbiomes for the sustainable food production, delivering new and healthier food applications.

The aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy

Sergio Ponsá Salas, Director, BETA Technological Center (UVic-UCC), describes boosting the transition of the aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy, with discussion ranging from aquaculture industry by-products to bio-based fertilizers.

Sustainable food: A common goal but how to get there?

David Green, Executive Director at U.S. Sustainability Alliance and a commentator and advisor on food and agriculture for GreenOrange, comments on sustainable food - It’s a common goal but how do we get there?

Rainbow rice: A paradigm shift in future foods

It is now the right time to look for new approaches to turn rainbow rice leaves into future foods of well-being, says Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director, Rice Science Center.

Rice: Tiny grain, global phenomenon

Asiha Grigsby, Director, International Promotion Western Hemisphere at USA Rice, enlightens us on rice, which can be described as a tiny grain, yet a global phenomenon.


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