With the demand for local produce constantly rising due to environmental, economic and quality reasons, Johnathan Bulmer, MD at Cleveland Containers, has urged for more pick up on container farming.
Here, we have comment from Andre Laperrière from Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) on the importance of future-proofing the food system.
Turid Rustad, Professor NTNU in Norway, explains the opportunities and challenges when it comes to the full utilisation of the catch of pelagic fish to meet the increasing demand for food.
Chiara Frazzoli and Alberto Mantovani from Istituto Superiore di Sanità share their insights into endocrine disruptors and non-communicable diseases in Africa, in collaboration with NOODLES Alliance Network.
Here, Andre Laperrière, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), comments on the latest UN report on meat as a cause of carbon emissions.
Human Rights Watch said that PM Boris Johnson must address the rising use of food banks, the ongoing weapons export to Saudi Arabia and the genuine application of human rights in foreign policy.
André Laperrière, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN), discusses global food security and what can be done to solve this ongoing, critical issue.
Authorities have failed to ensure for almost 30 years that Basra residents have sufficient clean water in Iraq, resulting in on-going health concerns, Human Rights Watch said in a report.
Here, Laura Sharp and Georgina Wright assess the ongoing social, economic and political situation in Venezuela to explore the likelihood of the country experiencing a complete societal shutdown.
UK government welfare cuts over the past decade have left families in England without enough food to eat, in a breach of the government’s duty to ensure adequate food.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove invites organisations to apply for the second round of more than £6 million funding under government’s scheme to cut food waste.