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Food Standards

Redefining prosperity in east London through citizen science

Years of austerity and underfunded public services have left east Londoners with reduced opportunities and prospects, facing multiple interlinking challenges like racism, crime, and food poverty - what needs to change?

Ultra-processed food and obesity: How can we eat more healthy?

What is ultra-processed food? What does the research say about ultra-processed food and obesity? How can we change our diet and eat more healthily?

Optimising freshwater consumption in the food and beverage industry

In support of the circular economy, the CEO of AGENSO, Zisis Tsiropoulos, describes how the AccelWater project is optimising freshwater consumption in the food and beverage industry to reduce its environmental impact.

Public procurement: An opportunity to transform the EU’s food system

Dorina Meyer and Giorgia Dalla Libera Marchiori from ICLEI Europe discuss opportunities for improving food security across the EU, public procurement, and cultivating a more equitable and environmentally conscious food system.

The government must prioritise child nutrition to combat the obesity epidemic

If we want to improve health, and reduce sweet and processed foods, we need to start with child nutrition and change the foods and drinks sold to infants and young children.

Reinvigorating the battle for salt reduction: Is it time to tax salt?

Mhairi Brown RNutr, Action on Salt, discusses why Britain needs to eat less salt and why a salt reduction programme is absolutely necessary.

The reality of the U.S approach to animal welfare

David Green, Executive Director at the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, explores the reality of U.S approaches to animal welfare.

How is human health impacted by the welfare of animals

The welfare of animals is not only important to animals but is also intrinsically linked to human health and the environment.

The EU must enforce a pesticide tax

Experts warn that the EU agriculture sector is stuck in "permanent pesticide-dependence," and that major flaws exist in the current attempts to reduce the use of pesticides across the EU.

How will Brexit policy affect your diet?

Brexit policy is to affect micronutrient food supplies in the UK, where foods imports will become harder to access due to trade deals.

5 most expensive cities to live in the world

Ever wondered where the most expensive cities to live in the world are? Open Access Government looks into price comparisons of basic goods and utilities in 5 of the priciest cities around the globe.

5 ways to reduce food waste and live more green

With the UK continuing to send 18 million tonnes of food to landfill, here are some top tips to help you reduce food waste at home

Innovative technology for sustainable food production

Bengt Fellbe, Leader at SSEC, argues that sustainable and climate-smart food production requires competent and cutting-edge technology

In Puerto Rico, USDA holds the line on African swine fever

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, explains here how in Puerto Rico, they hold the line on African swine fever (ASF)

Where do you get information about food allergy or celiac disease and food safety?

Rick Goodman, University of Nebraska, discusses food allergy risk assessments for new foods in different countries

Up-cycling of shrimp side-streams for food & health food products

Professor Jacobsen, Scientist, Ali Jafarpour, Assistant Professor, Federico Casanova & Nina Gringer evaluate up-cycling in the shrimp peeling industry

The impact of cooking and cleaning on health

Professor of Indoor Air Chemistry examines exposure to indoor and outdoor pollution, through the impacts of cooking and cleaning on indoor air quality


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