Data-driven prosperity: The shift from GDP to multidimensional wellbeing indices

The financial crisis highlighted the shortcomings of traditional measures of a country's prosperity; here we examine the shift from GDP to multidimensional wellbeing indices The...

Why digital transformation in education matters

Peter Richardson, Senior Marketing Manager PFU (EMEA), explains why digital transformation in education plays a crucial role.

A better digital future: Meeting the ethical challenges of connected technologies

Irina Shklovski, Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, explains the ethical challenges of connected technologies in today’s world and how the VIRT-EU project helps to move us towards a better digital future.

What are the data protection challenges of using AI in healthcare?

This article considers the increasing political interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and considers how data protection legislation may help to build greater understanding and trust.

The consistent application of data protection rules throughout the EU

Andrea Jelinek, Chair of European Data Protection Board, spoke to Open Access Government about data protection rules throughout the European Union, including the use of personal data during election campaigns.

5 steps to demystify data in Defence

Vanessa Fernandes highlights five tips on how to demystify data and get yourself closer to the benefits it can bring, here.

Digital security means managing user identity

While digitalisation has many benefits, it significantly raises an organisation’s security risk by increasing the number of data exit points. Neville Armstrong, Service Strategist at Fordway, explains why user identity has become the new security perimeter.

How can you gain consumer trust in the age of digital regulation and cyber attacks?

Lee Parry is CEO and co-founder of Enigma Recovery, shares his top tips for business owners who are looking for new ways to gain consumer trust when cyber security is at the forefront of all our minds.

Facebook cryptocurrency: Libra needs to focus on data protection

Facebook’s cryptocurrency, Libra, faces renewed questions from regulatory authorities on how it will protect user data and prevent money-laundering.

Research shows increased cybercrime risk to companies and public

New research from the BlackBerry Cylance Threat Intelligence Team has uncovered a trove of highly sensitive data, suggesting an increased cybercrime risk.

How voice biometric technology is transforming modern contact centres

Tim Dunn, Commercial Director at ValidSoft discusses the benefits of deploying voice biometric technology and how it can transform modern call centres.

Can you legally monitor an employee’s social media?

Paul Holcroft, Associate Director at HR consultancy Croner explains whether employers can legally monitor an employee's social media and what they need to be wary of.

Highlights from day two of Information Security Europe 2019

It was a full house for the opening keynote of Day 2 at Information Security Europe 2019 – Europe’s number one information security event.

GDPR one year on: Top tips for staying compliant in 2019

Matthew Cole, partner at law firm Prettys, has shared his top tips for ensuring individuals and businesses keep their compliance regulations on track.

GDPR: One year on and where’s it gone?

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, explores the lessons learned about GDPR over the past year and the risks businesses will encounter in the future.

Only 0.25% of data breach cases fined under GDPR has revealed that only a minuscule percentage of data breach cases closed by the data protection regulator under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have resulted in monetary penalties.

Co-location data centres and privacy regulations

What do you need to consider as a customer when it comes to co-location data centres and privacy regulations? Green Mountain Data Centres Ltd tell us more.


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