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Gender Equality

Safeguarding diversity: Meta refuses to keep DEI protection in place

Following the 2024 US election and Donald Trump's ushering in as the new president, DEI has been attacked in all areas of government. Executive orders have been signed, undoing the efforts made over many years to create an inclusive and diverse workplace that mirrors American society. But what do these changes mean?

The role of teachers and teacher educators in addressing the gender digital divide

Gender equality is essential to develop and sustain the capacity for sustainable development although, ironically, STEM subjects and professions see the greatest gender digital divide and especially in developing economies.

How can education help to bridge the STEM diversity gap?

Victoria Knight, Strategic Campaigns Director at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, explores the importance of education in overcoming the STEM diversity gap.

Language can be a barrier for girls in education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Girls in education are at a higher chance of success at school in Sub-Saharan Africa if they can already speak ­­English – as taught language can affect academic accomplishment.

Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy reduces suicidal ideation

People who undergo Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy have high grades of satisfaction with the physical and psychological effects – and have fewer suicidal thoughts.

What is the future of women in leadership?

Women in leadership are the future and they should push for career progress, according to seasoned Leadership Coach Sarah Jones.

Gender segregation contributes to sexual harassment in the workplace

Individuals who form the gender minority at work are more likely to experience sexual harassment in the workplace and leave the job.

Female incarceration rates decrease with gender equality in education

Research finds that with greater gender equality in education there is a lower prison admission rate for females – but not males.

AI finds men represented four times more than women in literature

Machine learning algorithms have found that men are represented four times more than women in literature, with transgender and non-binary people largely missing.

Women begin to earn less after having their first child

Women’s earnings have been found to decrease following the birth of their first child – but the drop in salary is not applicable to fathers.

Women with promotions feel more overwhelmed and stressed at work

Women with promotions are more frustrated at work – as promotions are at a greater emotional benefit for men than women.

Health information lacks sex-specific research about women

Current health guidelines are based on studies in men - lacking sex-specific research for issues like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes in women.

Only 25% of global senior-level positions held by women in economics

Women are noticeably underrepresented in many academic professions, with a distinct lack of women in economics – particularly in universities.

There will be 100 million unregistered children worldwide, by 2030

Obstacles to registering births across Africa has led to millions of unregistered children – potentially preventing people from attaining essential human rights later in life.

Diversity in medicine sees more women, but lacks minority groups in U.S

Diversity in medicine across the U.S is not equal with population changes – while women see gains in representation, minority groups continue to go underrepresented.

Where are women in today’s supply chain workforce? 

Seagull Scientific explores women in the supply chain workforce and how diverse leadership can enhance the efficiency of these systems.

Females at increased risk of at-home homicide by gun violence

Rates of homicide by gun violence, for adults who live with handgun owners, were twice as high compared to adults who did not – the victims being primarily women.


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