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Genetic Research

How cancer cells trick the immune system by altering mitochondria

Cancer cells are masters of disguise, evading immune destruction through cunning mechanisms. Groundbreaking research reveals a novel tactic: mitochondrial transfer. Cancer cells cripple immune cells by donating their damaged mitochondria, hindering the immune response and fostering tumour growth.

Plant pathology: The global impact of wheat diseases

Dr Kim Hammond-Kosack at Rothamsted Research highlights an aspect of plant pathology that concerns the importance of finding new ways to disarm old enemies in wheat diseases.

Biological nitrogen fixation in legumes: Green agriculture and increased food security in Africa

Felix Dapare Dakora from Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, provides a fascinating insight into the world of biological nitrogen fixation in legumes, including the opportunities for green agriculture and increased food security in Africa.

Could vitamin D reduce hypertensive disorders in human pregnancy?

Dr. Yuping Wang and Dr. David F. Lewis from LSUHSC-Shreveport discuss how to reduce hypertensive disorders in human pregnancy.

COVID-19 research: Scientists prove that China did not create coronavirus

Conspiracy theorists can now take COVID-19 research off their radar: Scripps Research analysed the virus and found that it was not created by China.

What is the genetic link between children’s language and mental health?

A new study suggests there may be genetic explanations for why some children with poor language also have poor mental health.

Researchers create world’s most detailed map of breast cancer risk

An international team identified over 350 DNA 'errors' that increase risk of developing the disease, creating a map of breast cancer risk.

Human development: The role of vitamin D in pregnancy

The role of vitamin D in pregnancy is an example of work by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, investigating human development.

Researchers use blood test for rare genetic condition

PTC Therapeutics have announced the use of a blood test for the rare genetic condition, aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency.

Bringing genomics into the clinic: Challenges and potential to improve healthcare

Ewan Birney, Director of EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), reveals how genomics could improve healthcare and pave the way to precision medicine.

Synthetic biology: Past, present and future

Gábor Balázsi, Ph.D. from the Louis and Beatrice Laufer Center for Physical and Quantitative Biology and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stony Brook University in the U.S., shares his perspective on the field of synthetic biology in terms of the past, present and future.

Genetic testing: What’s wrong with my child?

Dr Katie Finch discusses with Professors Darren Griffin and Alan Thornhill her personal journey involving genetic testing of her son Brandon.

Whole genome sequencing: It’s getting personal

Professors Darren K Griffin and Alan R Thornhill discuss their research on exploring a person’s genome sequencing.

Data linkage and sharing for healthy longevity: A global challenge

Data linkage and sharing for healthy longevity together present a global challenge, in the view of Prof Makoto Suematsu, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and Rihana Diabo at the World Economic Forum.

UK launches £200 million genetics project

The UK government announced the launch of a huge genetics project, working with GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, to understand diseases like dementia and cancer.

Genomic medicine approaches – two contrasting case studies

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group Genomic medicine approaches – two contrasting case studies to note including the overall perspective, as well as the challenges and concerns in the field.

Developments in red blood cells at the Mount of Truth

The European Red Cell Society’s met the partners of the EU intellectual training network RELEVANCE at Mount of Truth in Ascona, Switzerland to discuss the latest progress.


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