EU leaders today (25 March) decided not to create an export ban for AstraZeneca vaccines made for the UK - but the feud between AstraZeneca and the bloc remains close to the surface of future discussions.
Adrian Keward, Chief technologist, UK Public Sector, Red Hat, explores how automation can help streamline operations and reduce costs in the public sector.
"Let's build solutions that enable a vision for future generations and to show the world how great the UK is in providing outstanding customer service", says Simon Seymour-Perry, Country Managing Partner at Netcompany.
Julia Stuckey, Business & Economy Manager at Swindon Borough Council, discusses working with a diverse range of partners to help mitigate the impact of the closure of the Honda factory.
One consequence of the pandemic is that embracing ‘social value’ as a way of supporting our communities has grown stronger - Guy Battle, CEO of the Social Value Portal, discusses the importance of becoming Social Value Creators.
China have created a digital vaccine passport that can tell authorities if a person has taken the COVID vaccine or been sick with the virus recently - a clean record will be needed for citizens to enter grocery shops.
Fatima Katergi, Senior Programmes Officer and Abid Shah UK Programmes Manager at Human Appeal, describes the role of the humanitarian sector concerning emergency relief in a pandemic which is more difficult, but certainly more necessary.
Nishat spoke to Laura Fatio, co-founder of Refúgio 343, who discusses her work to support the Venezuelan refugee crisis in Brazil and how COVID changed things.
Israel faced international criticism on their refusal to vaccine Palestinians - now, the country will begin rolling out Pfizer shots to some Palestinians who have work permits.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is going to implement a new policy - students will receive free menstrual products from June, to decrease the period poverty that limits access to education.
For one decade, Japan worked to bring down suicide rates across the country - now, COVID-19 threatens to reverse this progress by creating a new category of people who are vulnerable.
Gábor Egry, Director-General at the Institute of Political History and principal investigator of Horizon 2020 funded project NEPOSTRANS, dissects the ideologies that shaped and outlived the Habsburg Empire.
The World Health Organisation have suggested that the Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine can be safely used for all age groups, including those aged 65 and over.