Digital Hub Denmark has developed and implemented a unique governance model for digital tech ecosystems that can be leveraged to accelerate sustainable digital impact.
Joe Miller, Pocketalk General Manager of the Americas and Europe, explores how language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations & the solutions available.
The UK economy is in recovery: can we be confident that the government is being prudent with the finances at their disposal? What about the physical destruction of SSDs?
Spiralling inflation, rising energy bills and an escalating cost of living crisis have left millions of people struggling to afford basic necessities; could future predictive modelling stop this from happening again.
Neil Macdonald, CEO at Thrive, explains how using the Impact Evaluation Standard to report on social value in government contracts can actually lead to far better outcomes for communities and for suppliers.
Gun violence restraining orders already exist in some states, and research finds that they may contribute to more gun safety and potentially, lower rates of mass shootings.
Cllr Nesil Caliskan, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Safer, Stronger Communities Board, explains how councils take terror attack threats very seriously and work hard with partners in keeping communities safe & connected.
Banning commercially available indoor tanning beds would prevent skin cancer and reduce deaths from the most serious form of skin cancer known as melanoma.
Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development, provides analysis on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, arguing that “the landscape is most definitely being tidied up after years of confusing approaches”.