Global air pollution demands urgent action. With toxic smog choking cities worldwide and 99% of the population breathing unsafe air, 2025 must be the year for decisive policy changes. A key, often overlooked, target is tropospheric ozone, a potent greenhouse gas and dangerous pollutant.
The UK government has launched a new system to ensure they maintain current restrictions on the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the event of a no deal Brexit.
Weather systems, freak storms, affected sea routes and environmental transformation are climate change factors changing the logistics industry: how will they survive?
Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS) has been selected as a co-host for the new World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coordination Office for Regional Activities (CORA).
Dr Taina Pennanen and Dr Hannu Fritze from Natural Resources Institute Finland share their thoughts on microbial diversity and biomass issues in the north in terms of combatting climate change in the North of our planet.
David Taylor, Head of Corporate Affairs and Innovation at Flogas shares his views on the UK’s government’s Clean Growth Strategy and the extent to which this will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries examines ocean and climate change and argues that now is the time for a new wave of energy
Minister of Environment and Climate Change in Canada, Catherine McKenna details the country’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their clean growth economy
A new study indicates that clean air targets for reducing NO2 emissions from vehicles could be achieved sooner than expected
Government clean air targets underestimate...
Germany’s ambitious 2050 Climate Action Plan is now well underway, as Open Access found out from Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks
Germany is pressing ahead...
Daniel Bastreri, marine consultant with Thomson Unicomarine, considers whether the complete removal offshore structures during decommissioning is the best solution for marine ecology.
The benefits...
In Paris, delegates from the 196 UN parties met in December 2015 to negotiate a global climate agreement. Countries accounting for roughly a quarter...