Indigenous Peoples encounter numerous challenges in exercising their right to health. Lorna Rothery discussed the importance of collaborative and culturally sensitive approaches with Dr Sandra Del Pino, Advisor on Cultural Diversity at PAHO.
Scientists have created an 'artificial pancreas' that uses an algorithm to protect the body - especially ground-breaking for young children with type 1 diabetes.
The human immune system is an intricate web designed to stop invading pathogens - but with over 200 virus species capable of infecting humans, some have a way to break through.
German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, is attempting to overturn a Nazi-era law forbidding medical professionals to share information on abortion procedures.
Jonathan Jackson, BlackBerry, looks at how vaccine passports and digital vaccine certificates could work - while facing off with cyber-criminals across the world.
A study finds that broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed due to a lack of resources for GPs - with "time-consuming microbiological tests" taking too long.
A new bill pushes for regulation of digitally altered bodies in advertising - going up against constantly evolving online platforms, eating disorders and negative body image.