Indigenous Peoples encounter numerous challenges in exercising their right to health. Lorna Rothery discussed the importance of collaborative and culturally sensitive approaches with Dr Sandra Del Pino, Advisor on Cultural Diversity at PAHO.
Clare Aris, senior consultant, Entec Si, explores how the health care sector can implement remote or hybrid working while maintaining high standards of care.
Sarah-Jane McQueen, General Manager of the online healthcare course comparison website at CoursesOnline, explores how the health sector can upskill frontline workers during a crisis.
"The study team were hugely disappointed," says Dr Linmarie Sikich, whose team found that oxytocin is actually an ineffective treatment for children with autism.
The UK Government is creating GP league tables which will measure "appropriate levels" of face-to-face appointments - those failing to hit quotas will not receive NHS funding.
The University of Oxford found that teenagers with depression "mute" upsetting information, while depressed adults do not have the same coping mechanism.
Here, Paddy Hanrahan, Strategy & Innovation Director at Helpforce, tackles five major misconceptions around volunteering for the NHS, setting the facts from fiction.
The 150-page Health and Social Committee report says the UK Government "ultimately failed" to establish a working Test and Trace system - which led to thousands of COVID deaths.
Targeted neuromodulation may be a future method to help those with severe, untreatable depression - traditionally, this is used to correct misfiring brain circuits in people with epilepsy or Parkinson's.