Indigenous Peoples encounter numerous challenges in exercising their right to health. Lorna Rothery discussed the importance of collaborative and culturally sensitive approaches with Dr Sandra Del Pino, Advisor on Cultural Diversity at PAHO.
The independent experts of the FDA say the Pfizer vaccine is good to go, which means that the COVID vaccine should be formally approved in a matter of days.
In 2018 the UK proposed stronger 'online harms' regulation, to address harmful content that children can see on social media - by asking tech giants to do better self-regulation or face Government investigation.
Open Access Government was privileged to speak with Dr Mary Stephen again, Public Health Expert at the World Health Organization African Region, about suppressing the spread of COVID-19, remaining vigilant and effectively tackling any resurgence.
In the 2020 summer of Black Lives Matter protests, police militarisation was everywhere, with tanks rolling in the streets, officers dressed in full combat gear and armed with automatic weaponry - the question is, does it help to control crime?
Ann Hemingway, Professor of Public Health at Bournemouth University, Dept Medical Science & Public Health, discusses how Equine Assisted Interventions can enhance mental health and wellbeing.
Dr Sylvie Briand, Director, Global Infectious Hazards Preparedness Department at the World Health Organization, explains how COVID-19 is accompanied by fighting an infodemic.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use in the UK and will be made available as early as next week.
Chris Wakefield, Vice President of GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd, explores how businesses can navigate the increase in cleaning products on the market and select products that will best meet their needs.
When it comes to HIV risks for women, researchers found that natural disasters force vulnerable women to take any chance to secure resources - whether through transactional sex or engagement in early marriage.
According to the American Heart Association, women face a stronger heart attack risk than men - they are 20% more likely to develop heart failure, and to die.
COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, but the conditions that enabled the virus to jump from animal to human are not unique - so where could the next pandemic begin?
Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday (23 November) announced his UK winter plan to the House of Commons, proposing a mass community testing scheme, stricter Tiers, and weekly tests for prison staff.