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The future of tissue engineering with 3D-printed blood vessels

Scientists from Boston University (BU) and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University have developed a new method called ESCAPE, which is engineered sacrificial capillary pumps for evacuation that could improve how tissue is fabricated and designed.

World Alzheimer’s Month – Promoting dementia friendliness

The Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA) promotes dementia friendliness in Hong Kong during World Alzheimer’s Month

Study reveals one in five older patients marked “do not resuscitate”

A study, published in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, found that one in five older, sick patients are recorded as "do not resuscitate" on admission.

Scientists begin work on COVID vaccines which can survive heat

Scientists at the University of California San Diego are developing COVID vaccines that can survive heat - using ideas from plants and bacteria.

Using performance analysis to help older people stay healthier for longer

Paul Berney, CMO at connected care platform Anthropos, explores how performance analysis, used to keep athletes healthy, can also be used to help older people stay healthier for longer.

The future of cancer diagnostics

CEO of Dxcover Limited, Mark Hegarty, offers an insight into their cutting-edge technology that can help save lives by detecting early signs of cancer.

Breakthrough smart bandage detects low tissue oxygen

Kim, Chang-Soo from Missouri University of Science and Technology with Stoecker, William V from Stoecker & Associates Technology, Rolla, Missouri, describe a breakthrough smart bandage by S&A Tech and Missouri S&T capable of detecting low tissue oxygen.

The new innovative smart cup tackling dehydration in care homes

Aquarate illustate the life-threatening consequences of dehydration and introduce their Hydracup, committed to improve quality of care for our loved ones.

ONS data shows fatigue most common symptom of Long COVID

New data finds that fatigue is the most common symptom of Long COVID, followed by shortness of breath and then muscle ache.

The future of vascular imaging technology

Researchers from Kyoto University Hospital and Preemptive Medicine and Lifestyle Related Disease Research Center, describe the future of vascular imaging technology, including how photoacoustic imaging targets tumour vessels in breast cancer.

Study finds sunlight increases feelings of romantic passion

Tel Aviv researchers reveal that exposure to ultraviolent radiation via sunlight increases feelings of romantic passion - in men and women.

NICE recommends use of cholesterol-lowering drug

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) believes that Inclisiran, a cholesterol-lowering drug, should be available on the NHS.

Real-world study on 800,000 vaccinated people says COVID vaccine safe

An ongoing real-world study on the Israeli population finds that the Pfizer COVID vaccine is safe to use - minimal side effects were observed in over 800,000 people.

50% of hospitalised COVID patients have symptoms after 12 months

A new study, published in The Lancet, found that 50% of hospitalised COVID patients have at least one symptom after 12 months - with one in three of them experiencing shortness of breath.

Study finds COVID infection increases surgery blood clot risk by 50%

The study, published in Anaesthesia, finds that COVID infection increases surgery blood clot risks by 50% - with a five times increased risk of death.

Vaccinated mothers transfer COVID antibodies via breast milk

A study by the University of Florida finds that vaccinated mothers transfer COVID antibodies to babies via breast milk - suggesting that mothers can "pass on this immunity to their babies".

Long COVID patients face increased levels of blood-clotting

Study suggests that long COVID patients are more likely to face blood-clots - even if they appeared okay, their clotting biomarkers were significantly high.


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