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Healthcare Innovation

The future of tissue engineering with 3D-printed blood vessels

Scientists from Boston University (BU) and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University have developed a new method called ESCAPE, which is engineered sacrificial capillary pumps for evacuation that could improve how tissue is fabricated and designed.

Long COVID patients face increased levels of blood-clotting

Study suggests that long COVID patients are more likely to face blood-clots - even if they appeared okay, their clotting biomarkers were significantly high.

A changing landscape for type 1 diabetes

Dr Faye Riley, Senior Research Communications Officer at Diabetes UK, charts a changing landscape for type 1 diabetes.

Implementing digital food menus in hospitals

Tom Wright, Head of Digital Engagement at NDL, discusses the various ways in which technology can improve the hospital food ordering system.

Myopia management: Looking after the “other” pandemic

Max Halford FBCO CL, Clinical Lead at Association of British Dispensing Opticians, turns our thoughts towards the “other” pandemic, myopia management.

Post Diagnostic Support Program for People with Dementia in Hong Kong

Professor Kwok discusses supporting people with dementia and the importance of implementing adequate care after diagnosis The prevalence of dementia among community dwelling people aged...

Moderna create vaccine trial for children aged 6 months and over

Moderna are enrolling roughly 13,275 participants in their vaccine trial for children - with the participants aged between six months to 12 years.

COVID vaccination “critically important” for organ transplant patients

A research letter, published in Transplantation, suggests that COVID vaccination reduces infection and death risks in organ transplant patients.

Digital transformation of healthcare for the patient

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations, considers the importance of digital transformation to support high-quality patient healthcare.

BMJ study explores potential for “eradication of COVID-19”

The BMJ Global Health study looks at how the "eradication of COVID-19" could work - if high vaccination happens in every country, and all vaccines remain up-to-date.

Why digital transformation needs to be part of wider business transformation

Lindsay Lucas, Managing Director of Software Solved, discusses why digital transformation in healthcare should not be carried out in isolation but rather as part of a wider business transformation.

Open Bionics opens first UK clinic for amputees

Open Bionics opens its first clinic in the UK to deliver 3D printed bionic arms for amputees.

Genetic predisposition to trauma can increase likelihood of suicide

Scientists reveal that individuals with bipolar disorder, who are also genetically likely to have trauma, have an increased likelihood of suicide.

Health innovation is key to resolving challenges faced by the NHS

Lorna Green, Director of Enterprise and Growth, describes the role of the Innovation Agency and the AHSN Network across England and how health innovation is increasingly becoming integral to resolving the long-term challenges faced by the NHS.

Cambridge study trials artificial pancreas for Type 2 diabetes

A new artificial pancreas, powered by a patient's smartphone, is working well for outpatients of type 2 diabetes.

Study finds that llama nanobodies can stop COVID-19

The study, published in Nature Communications, looks at how llama nanobodies can disarm and stop COVID-19 - creating a new type of future vaccination.

Scientists are creating a blood test to predict schizophrenia

The team at Baylor College of Medicine are combining machine learning with a blood test, to hopefully reveal markers of early schizophrenia.


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