In an era of escalating cyber threats, the healthcare sector, a prime target for data breaches, requires robust security. Voice biometrics emerges as a...
External and internal attackers are drawn to healthcare sector due to the value of the vast amounts of personal health information (PHI) these organisations manage.
NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance techniques can unveil metabolic alterations preceding anatomical and functional manifestations of diseases, the Department of Experimental Cardiovascular Imaging explains here.
Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO of Content Guru, highlights how Commissioners are shifting from organisational-focused to patient-centric, outcome-driven models to deliver digitally-connected health.
Terry Walby, founder and CEO of Thoughtonomy, looks at how AI is transforming healthcare, exploring examples of how different organisations have been using automation.
Eman Al-Hillawi and Sue Johnson Gregory analyse the NHS, exploring how the industry can balance business transformation with the priority of patient care.
Smartwatches are already capable of tracking health and fitness, monitoring sleep, receiving messages and much more than we ever could have imagined a decade ago. So, with that in mind, what could the future hold for wearable tech?.
Here, Open Access Government's Digital Editor, Steph Hazlegreaves, looks into several case studies where a digital transformation strategy has been implemented in the government and healthcare sector.
Scientists at The University of Manchester are developing a smartphone application connected to goggles which flashlight at a special frequency to use brainwaves to treat pain.
NAT (National AIDS Trust) has partnered with Reason Digital, to create a ground-breaking online tool to support people living with HIV, to talk to and inform other people and tackle stigma.
A report published by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC-UK), supported by Sanofi Pasteur, suggests that efforts to increase vaccination coverage need to present immunisation as a positive and healthy lifestyle choice.