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Healthcare Innovation

The future of tissue engineering with 3D-printed blood vessels

Scientists from Boston University (BU) and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University have developed a new method called ESCAPE, which is engineered sacrificial capillary pumps for evacuation that could improve how tissue is fabricated and designed.

Government gives NHS code of conduct for AI use

The NHS code of conduct will ensure that only the best and safest data-driven technologies are used by the NHS and will protect patient data.

Technology and diabetes: How can innovation address the mounting challenge?

Barbara Harpham, Chair of the UK-based Medical Technology Group, explains the role that technology can play in reducing the financial and societal burden of diabetes.

Healthcare in Hong Kong: A focus on elderly health services

The priorities of healthcare in Hong Kong are explored here, with a special focus on the delivery of elderly health services in the country.

Mastering data is ‘almost everything’ in the future of healthcare

The outlook for our National Health Service has never looked brighter. Although the challenge has always been immense, with the right leadership, technology can be harnessed to change the future of healthcare services.

Critical care nursing: Leveraging technology and innovation to improve care delivery

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group offers her thoughts on the challenges around critical care nursing, focussing on leveraging technology and innovation to improve the delivery of care.

Blockchain interoperability: Sharing data across the care continuum

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) sheds lights on how blockchain interoperability is enabling sharing data across the care continuum.

Nightingale Health to receive €20 million EU-financing

Nightingale Health, Finnish innovator of an internationally recognized blood analysis technology for chronic disease prevention, will receive €20 million.

First EU citizens using ePrescriptions in other EU country

EU patients can now use ePrescriptions issued by their home doctor when visiting a pharmacy in another EU country.

Vendors need to resolve security and interoperability for patient engagement

Patient engagement in Europe is a challenging space to operate in, despite the strong government impetus, coupled with the wide availability of supportive technology.

How to improve stress management methods in 2019

Darren Hockley, managing director DeltaNet International, provides some top tips on how to boost your stress management methods.

UK-Japanese partnership to tackle degenerative diseases

Medical researchers in Britain and Japan are to join forces in the fight to advance research into treatments for degenerative diseases.

UK and Japan to forge new pioneering collaboration

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will meet Prime Minister Theresa May and agree pioneering collaboration on medical research, robotics and use of data.

‘Smart homes’ to equip elderly and disabled people with digital skills

A new 'smart homes' scheme will aim to help elderly and disabled people develop digital skills to tackle loneliness in rural areas.

New NHS era: Promising or over-promising?

CE of NHS Confederation comments on government proposal £20.5 billion annual investment, hailed by PM as historic moment.

A trans-disciplinary approach to cancer research

The use of a trans-disciplinary approach to cancer research is necessary for complex systems like tumors.

Stroke recovery: The exciting trends of the future

Steven A. Kautz, Professor at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and the Medical University of South Carolina College of Health Professions gives a glimpse into the future trends for stroke recovery research.


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