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Advancing global healthcare: The Singapore science and technology perspective

Professor Preethi Kesavan, Director of Studies and Head, School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at the London School of Business and Finance Singapore, analyses the Singaporean perspective on science and technology in advancing global healthcare.

Scientists find Pfizer vaccine is 100% effective in young adolescents

The company aim to start vaccinating children by September 2021, as clinical trials reveal that Pfizer is 100% effective in those aged 12 to 15.

Scientists find Black pupils have highest rate of autism in UK

In an investigation of over seven million pupils, researchers found that Black pupils have the highest rate of autism in the UK - they further noticed that there is "little research" on the existence of autism in ethnic minorities.

Vaccine shortage in UK means under-50s to wait longer for first dose

The NHS released new information explaining that there would be a vaccine shortage in the UK from 29 March, meaning under-50s will wait longer for their first jab as second doses are given to the most vulnerable cohorts.

Llamas create COVID-19 antibodies that humans can inhale as a vaccine

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh are creating COVID-19 antibodies in llamas, to understand how humans could engineer better immune responses.

How will data from remote diagnosis change healthcare?

José Bastos, Director at knok, explores how data from remote diagnosis will alter healthcare and discusses how knok will play its part in this digital transformation journey.

Are swollen lymph nodes normal after getting the COVID vaccine?

According to radiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), swollen lymph nodes after COVID vaccination are a "normal reaction that typically goes away with time".

What are the priority groups for phase two of UK vaccinations?

The Government unveiled the confirmed priority groups for phase two of UK vaccinations - the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is choosing age as the deciding factor.

The Pfizer vaccine is stopping 92% of severe COVID cases in Israel

Israel is currently leading the world in COVID vaccination, with real-world data to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine is working to stop 92% of severe COVID cases.

People with asthma are not a priority group for COVID vaccination

The UK removed people with moderate forms of asthma from the high-priority group for vaccination, which pushes their vaccination date past April.

Pfizer vaccine can reduce COVID hospitalisation and death by 75%

Early stage data from the vaccine rollout in the UK appears to show that COVID hospitalisation and death are reduced by over 75% in people with the Pfizer vaccine.

Can an mRNA vaccine be used to cure some types of cancer?

COVID brought the idea of mRNA vaccines to the attention of the world - now, cancer researchers are investigating how a similar vaccine could stop tumours in a single treatment.

Marmot Review 2020: “Regressive” cuts hit most deprived areas

We have the essentials of the Marmot Review 2020 for you, including recommended policy measures to tackle health inequalities.

Researchers identify young adults who are facing elevated anxiety

The study looks at behaviour traits at the age of 15, that signal if individuals could be at risk of elevated anxiety three years in the future.

The challenge of diagnosing depression could be solved by machines

Machine learning could be the solution to the "big challenges" of accurately diagnosing depression, say scientists at the University of Birmingham.

Scientists saw COVID mutating in patient after convalescent plasma

UK based scientists witnessed how COVID-19 can mutate in a highly vulnerable patient, even when that person is undergoing convalescent plasma treatment.

What is the connection between pain and memory?

Researchers are investigating how everyday pain impacts memory - specifically, how do these daily experiences impact the way we think? 


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