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Advancing global healthcare: The Singapore science and technology perspective

Professor Preethi Kesavan, Director of Studies and Head, School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at the London School of Business and Finance Singapore, analyses the Singaporean perspective on science and technology in advancing global healthcare.

Climate change in South Africa could cost up to 20% of GDP

The impact of climate change in South Africa can be seen in economic productivity, healthcare outcomes and labour availability - but what could it cost the population in the future, if left unchecked? 

Data shows young, Black adults twice as likely to die after heart transplant

The American Heart Association found that young, Black adults are more than twice as likely to die in the first year after a heart transplant - in comparison to non-Black transplant recipients of the same age.

All UK adults could be offered COVID vaccine by May

According to recent reports, all UK adults could have their first dose of the COVID vaccine by May, 2021 - opening up the potential of a real summer.

Diabetics are concerned about disrupted insulin supplies due to Brexit

Diabetics living in the UK are worried about disruption to insulin supplies as a result of Brexit, according to a new social media study.

Israel’s vaccine data suggests that Pfizer is performing at the expected 95%

New vaccine data from Israel suggests that the double-dose of Pfizer is performing at the expected rate of 95% efficiency - with the possibility that it is performing even better than that being further investigated.

Scientists use immune system to predict likelihood of long COVID

Cambridge researchers have published their findings on how the immune system could be an early clue for the later development of severe or long COVID.

UKRI funds new project to investigate COVID-19 mutations

An initial £2.5 million will launch the 'G2P-UK' National Virology Consortium, which will investigate COVID-19 mutations to figure out how they impact vaccines.

European Commission gives 24 grants to COVID-19 plasma projects

The projects will happen in 14 Member States and the United Kingdom, with 36 million in funding to get COVID-19 plasma to patients - boosting their immune response to the virus.

Prospects for personalised medicine using advanced biological therapies

Dr Michael Morrison discusses the use of advanced biological therapies, such as gene therapy, in treatment for a personalised approach.

Scientists investigate possible link between opioids and pancreatic cancer

The team at Rush University Medical Center have conducted the first US investigation into opioid use and pancreatic cancer - how could this change prescriptions?

Cities contain 50% of the world’s population but are left out of climate calculations

While cities only occupy around 3% of the Earth, they are where 50% of the world's population live - but they are not usually included in global climate calculations, meaning that urban environmental problems can slip under the radar.

Consequences of foetal development in a “sweet” uterus: The short-and long-term transgenerational outcomes

Jane C Khoury & Shelley R Ehrlich from Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, highlight the consequences of foetal development in a “sweet” uterus – including the short- and long-term transgenerational outcomes.

Helping NHS Trusts increase efficiency and improve patient care

Rob Hurrell, Business Development Director at Aire Logic, explores how technology supports the vision of a Paperless NHS and improves patient care.

Vascular therapies for mental health disorders

Here, Dr Anju Vasudevan, discusses two distinct vascular therapies in the prenatal, postnatal, and adult brain to combat mental illness.

Secure remote patient monitoring for improved health efficiency

Here, we discover that SymlConnect digitises the paper-processes, offering remote monitoring to improve efficiency in care monitoring and reducing the waiting list exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Elephant in the Water: The mammalian dive response and sudden death

Frank F Vincenzi, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, tells us about the mammalian dive response (MDR), drawing on the case of the woman who developed a fatal heart rhythm while SCUBA diving.


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