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Healthcare Research

Advancing global healthcare: The Singapore science and technology perspective

Professor Preethi Kesavan, Director of Studies and Head, School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at the London School of Business and Finance Singapore, analyses the Singaporean perspective on science and technology in advancing global healthcare.

CARMAT confirms first heart transplant of patient previously implanted with artificial heart

CARMAT today confirms the announcement by the National Research Center for Cardiac Surgery on the successful transplant of a donor heart in the first international patient implanted with the CARMAT heart in October 2017

More than half of diabetics are treated for mental health problems, study reveals

A study commissioned by Ieso Digital Health shows that over half of those living with type 1 and 2 diabetes are affected by mental health problems.

Diabetes: A commitment to growing international research, education and innovation

Janet Jarvis from Leicester Diabetes Centre tells us about their international research, education and innovation in the field of diabetes

The challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’

Chester Medical school shed light on the link between obesity and diabetes, the challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’ and the research contribution of the school in solving this problem

The importance of research into aplastic anaemia (AA)

Grazina Berry from Aplastic Anaemia Trust explains why research into aplastic anaemia (AA) is so important.

An update on exports in the health technology sector

Jonathan Evans, communications manager at the Association of British HealthTech Industries provides an interesting update on the health technology sector, including the extent to which the UK exports to the EU every year in this vein.

The challenge of commercialisation: Keeping an academic balance

Prof Colin J Suckling OBE DSc FRSE, research professor of chemistry at the University of Strathclyde’s Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry shares his views on the challenge of commercialisation when it comes to research into medicinal chemistry

Improving acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) outcomes

Bethany Torr, Campaigns and Advocacy Officer at Leukaemia Care explores how outcomes for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) can be improved

Disease-associated myosteatosis in people with cancer: Can it be treated?

Can we prevent the muscle loss associated with some cancers? Dr Vera Mazurak at the University of Alberta is looking into one method of...

UK Government invests £30 million to tackle antimicrobial resistance

The funding will be used to deliver four new projects as part of the Global AMR Innovation Fund (GAMRIF)

Six healthcare trends expected in 2018

Like last year, 2018 is expected to bring about further uncertainty and risk for America’s healthcare industry. Issues like the healthcare act, tax reform, cybersecurity, and a marked increase in opioid deaths will shape the future of the healthcare sector

Understanding stroke in the UK

Esmee Russell from the Stroke Association reveals the extent of stroke as a major health issue in the UK today

Prostate cancer treatment receives £75m funding boost

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a further £75m in funding for “earlier and faster” diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, which kills more than 10,000 men each year

Increasing equality in the Icelandic healthcare system

Iceland’s Minister of Health, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, explains her ambition to increase equality in the country’s healthcare system

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) raises awareness and creates a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well-being of people with Down Syndrome

The impact of stroke

Australian Stroke Foundation details the impact that a stroke can have on people of all ages plus how it can be prevented and treated


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