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Healthcare Research

Advancing global healthcare: The Singapore science and technology perspective

Professor Preethi Kesavan, Director of Studies and Head, School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at the London School of Business and Finance Singapore, analyses the Singaporean perspective on science and technology in advancing global healthcare.

Millions of UK adults have never had their hearing checked

Research by Oticon reveals three quarters of UK adults have never had their hearing checked by a hearing professional, putting it at risk every...

Positive progress for people with Parkinson’s

The European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) provide an update about the positive progress being made for people with Parkinson’s My PD Journey is a multi-stakeholder...

Alzheimer’s as a spectrum disorder: The promise of precision medicine

Emory University’s Stuart Zola considers the case for classifying Alzheimer’s disease as a spectrum disorder and the promise of precision medicine as an intervention.

Living with Leukaemia

Bethany Torr, campaigns and advocacy officer at Leukaemia Care introduces ‘Leukaemia’ and its different forms and explains how people live with the disease Leukaemia’ is...

PET imaging of neurodegenerative diseases

Prof. Dr Axel Rominger from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich on how neurodegenerative diseases can be studied through PET imaging

Early stage diagnosis – spotting early stage cancer events

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe, Vandana Iyer and Bhargav Rajan from Frost & Sullivan examine of how nanotechnology helps spot early stage cancer

Dose-finding trials: why not to use algorithmic designs

Prof Thomas Jaki from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit at Lancaster University sheds light on dose-finding trials

From biobanking to precision medicine

A group of experts from ISBER shed light on the science of biobanking and its role in delivering modern and precision medicine

Treatments and symptoms of Parkinson’s

Prof. David Dexter, deputy director of research at Parkinson’s UK shares his thoughts on the symptoms of Parkinson’s and the chances of finding a cure

Tumour-host interactions, paediatric sarcomas, and cancer progression

Ivan Stamenkovic, professor of experimental pathology at the University of Lausanne underlines research taking place around cancer progression Cancer progression, meaning the evolution of localised...

What is the future for clinical and health research in Europe?

Experts discuss the FEAM-BioMed Alliance paper, which outlines how the next EU Framework Programme can further support biomedical research in Europe

Developing IOT in healthcare

Jon Lee-Davey, IoT Health Lead at Vodafone, and Bernard Vrijens, from the University of Liege explain how IoT in healthcare can revolutionise hospitals

The geography of EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index

Professor Paula Santana from University of Coimbra sheds light in the importance of capturing a holistic understanding of population health

Maintaining high standards of infection prevention and control

Elaine Ross, board member of the Infection Prevention Society (IPS) details the key issues around infection prevention and control (IPC) in the UK today

Modern research into rare diseases

Research infrastructure project manager at EURORDIS, Virginie Bros-Facer highlights the extent of rare diseases in Europe in this insightful article

Experts warn medical research partnerships could suffer after Brexit

Experts are voicing their concerns that a poor Brexit deal could badly affect medical research partnerships if EU programmes are not replaced


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