Jackie Denyer, MD and Founder, Professional Training Solutions, discusses why attitudes towards apprenticeships and training need to change after organisations realised that the UK workforce is ill-equipped to handle shortages, during the pandemic.
Professor Martin Jones, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Designate at Staffordshire University, discusses why it is important for mature students to retrain to future proof their career chances.
Holly Smith, Senior Solutions Consultant, Databricks, explores why our current education system still falls short in helping female students navigate careers in tech.
Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head of School of Technology at LSBF Singapore, ponders the innovative teaching and learning methodologies that educators must employ when implementing e-learning.
Enzo Brienza, sales manager, InterSystems, discusses why higher education institutions need to consider collaboration with other organisations to generate value from research data.
The Government proposal to cut 50% of funding to specific arts universities is part of the "build back better" plan, according to a Department for Education spokesman.
The COVID pandemic compelled students to migrate to screens, leaving teachers to get creative to protect their educational progress - which now means teaching science via Zoom.
Sherry A. Southerland and Jennifer Schellinger tell us what we need to know about Learning Through Collaborative Design-Professional Development (LCD PD) in this special science education focus.
When it comes to talking about anti-Asian racism and recent violence with pupils, teachers may feel unsure of how to start - here, University of Kansas researchers explain how popular culture can help.
Dave Sherwood, CEO and Founder at BibliU, explores the ways in which universities can improve student accessibility for those with a range of abilities and backgrounds.
Robert Lembo, MD, Executive Director, Graduate Medical Education from the National Institutes of Health, turns the spotlight on training physician scientists and clinician investigators through the process of graduate medical education in the U.S.
Professor of Mathematics Education Ilana Seidel Horn offers a compelling insight into how teachers individually navigate their field through pedagogical reasoning and responsibility.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is going to implement a new policy - students will receive free menstrual products from June, to decrease the period poverty that limits access to education.
After COVID-19 hit the NHS, the public health crisis highlighted the poignant and essential nature of nursing work - leading to student nurse applications increasing to 60,130 for 2021.