HIV vaccine candidate shows early success in clinical trial

An HIV vaccine candidate developed at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute has demonstrated the ability to trigger low levels of a rare type of neutralising antibodies (bnAbs) in a small group of participants.

Life expectancy is up for HIV patients in Latin America

Researchers studied over 30,688 HIV patients across seven Latin American countries - finding that life expectancy has dramatically increased over a period of 14 years.

One in four HIV patients experience intimate partner violence

According to the CDC, one in four HIV patients in the United States experience intimate partner violence - which could be anything between physical assault to stalking.

Why does the U.S. need an STI National Strategic Plan?

Open Access Government discusses STI prevention in the U.S., and the benefits and priorities of the STI National Strategic Plan 2021-2025.

‘London patient’ becomes second person permanently cured of HIV

The 'London patient' joins the 'Berlin patient' as the second person in history to be cured of HIV, which is achieved via transplant of rare HIV-resistant stem cells.

People with HIV can now get COVID-19 vaccine without disclosing status

People living with HIV can now get a COVID vaccine without having to tell the doctor their status - right now, the stigma is holding some back from coming forward to get their vaccination.

Supporting adolescent girls from refugee backgrounds

Chief Talent & Global Strategy Officer Dr Dianne Morrison-Beedy highlights the major issue of how adolescent girls from refugee backgrounds have been forgotten in evidence-based sexual risk reduction interventions.

Science needs to overcome “structural racism” to end the HIV epidemic

A new report published in The Lancet investigates why 43% of HIV deaths in 2018 happened in the Black community, with policy solutions for the ongoing HIV epidemic.

Improving self-management in HIV care with mHealth

Here, Professor Bertrand Lebouché introduces ‘warm’ mobile health technology to enable better self-management in HIV care.

Canada: Far behind other G7 countries in eliminating new HIV infections

Gary Lacasse, Executive Director with Kelly Puddister and Patrick Wright from the Canadian AIDS Society, argue that Canada is far behind other G7 countries in eliminating new HIV infections, with a 25.3% increase in new cases reported between 2014 and 2018.

How is climate change increasing HIV risks for women?

When it comes to HIV risks for women, researchers found that natural disasters force vulnerable women to take any chance to secure resources - whether through transactional sex or engagement in early marriage.

The EUMCA: Pioneering access to medicinal cannabis

Professor Trevor Jones, Chair at the European Medicinal Cannabis Association, speaks to Nishat about their plans for EU patient access to medicinal cannabis.

Could hormone replacement therapy boost your immune system?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, discusses whether hormone replacement therapy could boost your immune system in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How is coronavirus impacting the most vulnerable people in our society?

Philip Baldwin, a leading LGBTQ and human rights activist, highlights the urgent work the government still need to do to protect vulnerable people during the coronavirus outbreak.

The effect of ‘fake news’ on the medical industry

In the current moment, how severely is the viral misinformation online (from anti-vaccination movements to deadly 'miracle' cures) impacting the medical industry?

Controlling and preventing diseases: A focus on traumatic brain injury

The work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is examined here, with a special focus on traumatic brain injury.

UAE: Prisoners do not have access to HIV treatment

Here, Human Rights Watch discuss how United Arab Emirates (UAE) prison authorities are limiting access to HIV treatment for non-national prisoners.


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