The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.
Aleix Maria Arenas from Wedge Global tells us what we need to know about the H2020-funded SEA-TITAN project that encourages a step-change towards wave energy technology convergence.
Jordi Albacete, Communications Officer from the EU-project GEOCOND explains what we need to know about Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems towards a more sustainable future.
Here, Project Coordinator of “Repro-light” Wilfred Pohl explains how the customisable and sustainable ‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise European lighting in the workplace.
Dirk Beckers, Director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, charts the important work of the organisation in supporting transport and energy research plus the ambitious Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme (2021-2027).
Here, we learn that FIBRESHIP, a revolutionary R&D H2020 project has placed the spotlight on a new potential market in Europe, focused on the design and construction of large-length commercial vessels greater than 500 GT (50m-length) in lightweight composite materials.
Fabio Terribile discusses the potential of LANDSUPPORT, a Horizon 2020 project showing a way to better manage our landscape and better implement European Union land policies.
Prof Monica Di Luca, President, European Brain Council, highlights the importance of continuous prioritisation and attention to brain research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nuria Rodríguez López talks us through the climate necessity of the ReSiSTant project, which is a Horizon 2020 EU NMBP-Pilot Project, to reduce the environmental impacts of aircrafts.
Nunzio Albero Borghese discusses the potential of MOVECARE, a Horizon 2020 sponsored project, to be a robotic caregiver for independently living elders.
Sabrina Ruzanski & Emanuele Zannini detail PROTEIN2FOOD, a project that concerns pioneering crops for future generations, most notably, accelerating protein transitions with new plant-based foods.
Kris Bachus and Julie Metta from the HIVA Research Institute of KU Leuven, Belgium, present Pop-Machina, a Horizon 2020 Innovation project that promotes circular maker communities in urban areas.
The Horizon 2020 project SOCCRATES brings together some of the best expertise in the field to develop, implement and evaluate an automated security platform to defend against complex cyber-attacks, more of which is explained here by Reinder Wolthuis from TNO.