HC Legionella is a water hygiene specialist focused on resolving Legionella control issues. Here, authorising engineer Claire Jackson shares an example of her team’s work in addressing temperature issues at a high-risk site that posed a threat to vulnerable individuals.
A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
To try to tackle rising energy costs and create better living conditions for UK citizens, the government is rolling out a plan to upgrade private rented homes across the country.
The report aims to help ICS leaders enhance collaboration between housing and health sectors across East England to address the root causes of poor health and improve overall community health outcomes.
New regulations and ambitious building targets in the UK are overwhelming social housing providers. Centralized project management software can be the key to success, offering clear goals, real-time data, and improved collaboration.
Recent data from the Ministry of Justice has revealed a significant increase in repossession claims across England and Wales, marking the highest level in five years.
The future of social housing in the UK will depend on well-trained and knowledgeable people with the right qualifications, who demonstrate the right behaviours. This is what the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) wants to see when assessing the performance of Registered Providers and utilising its new powers of enforcement.
Social housing plays a role in our communities. Millions of vulnerable families and individuals rely on it to access affordable accommodation. However, local authorities need help to meet demand.
The rapidly evolving digital landscape has rendered cybersecurity measures such as firewalls and encryption inadequate when used in isolation.
Threat actors are outpacing these defences...
At Energy Carbon, we specialise in infrared heating – fast, effective, extremely easy to roll out heating – but we know from experience that homeowners sometimes have questions, so let’s address those.
How can Housing Associations create and increase their social value during economic uncertainty? Payment providers could gauge affordability and prioritise debt avoidance.
The UK Government’s Spring Budget provided some short-term relief for energy bills, but does not address the longer-term issues of the climate and energy crises.