A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
Housing Minister Dominic Rabb has announced that more communities across England will be able to get free access to expert advice and guidance to help make their neighbourhood vision a reality
New research from Just Landlords has exposed a nationwide ignorance to a new EPC legislation that will come into effect on 1st April for all new lets and relets, and for all existing tenancies on 1st April 2020
Dr Gideon Bolt from the Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University shares his expert perspective on the role of planning in the deterioration of high-rise housing estates.
The number of remortgages in January 2018 reached a nine-year high while the number of first-time buyers and home movers both increased compared to the same period in the previous year
The drive to cut carbon emissions means sustainable homes are growing in popularity. Johnathan Bulmer, managing director of shipping container experts Cleveland Containers, discusses this rising trend and how to build an eco-friendly property on a budget
Sellhousefast.uk investigates the sales of leasehold properties in England and Wales in light of the Government’s crackdown of ‘unfair and abusive practices within the leasehold system’
2017 saw the highest number of first-time buyers since 2006 according to the UK Finance’s latest mortgage trends update
Mortgage lending for first-time buyers, home movers...