A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
The government plans to help thousands of rough sleepers through a new £100 million strategy which focuses on moving people away from the streets and into affordable accommodation.
Open Access Government charts the role of the Office of Government Property (OGP) and the Government Property Agency (GPA) in managing the UK government estate more effectively and efficiently
The Commonwealth Games arriving in Birmingham will provide a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ according to the projects City Design & Conservation Manager
Paul Miner, Head of Strategic Plans and Devolution at the Campaign to Protect Rural England explains why the organisation strongly supports the green belt policy in the UK
Dr Gideon Bolt from the Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University tells us about the vital role of housing allocation in the decline of high rise housing estates
Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester has urged the government to tackle the homeless crisis on UK streets by granting local leaders with new freedoms to build more properties for social rent.
Vacant property expert, Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, discusses the country’s current housing crisis and the section of people who cannot buy, nor are they eligible for social housing
Sue Ramsden, Policy Leader for Welfare at the National Housing Federation tells us about the impact of welfare reform on social housing tenants and housing associations