Human rights are “the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled”.
Examples of rights and freedoms which are often thought of as human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, freedom of expression, pursuit of happiness and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in science and culture, the right to work, and the right to education.
Human rights are protected by legal mechanisms which are attached to policies in every country, with varying levels of implementation of the law.
All humans are born with human rights and they cannot be removed, regardless of the status of implementation in their country.
Pietro Vittorio Barbieri, a member of the EESC, and the rapporteur for the EESC opinion on mental health community services, emphasises the necessity for increased resources and enhanced coordination at the European level.
In the second part of a series of articles, shortages in medicolegal death investigation are placed under the spotlight by Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, Chief Medical Examiner at Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
Sailesh Mehta and Tim Kiely, Barristers at Red Lion Chambers, look at the volatile landscape of UK law of protest - especially in the wake of Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion.
Dr Dawn Martin-Hill and Dr Christine Wekerle from McMaster University highlight Indigenous youth resilience research, including comment on what water teaches us.
Jeronim Capaldo and Richard Kozul-Wright, from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), examine economic inequality in the United States.
The Lancet found that over 55% of deaths via police violence were either misclassified or unreported in official statistics reports - a critical erasure of information between 1980 to 2018.
A report by Femicide Census, an organisation that documents women killed by men, found that one woman is killed every three days in the UK - now, the rate of murder shows "no signs of reducing".
Jonas Bull, Policy and Research Officer at Mental Health Europe, sheds light on new WHO guidance that demonstrates the feasibility of community mental health services based on human rights.
Despite societal progression and increased LGBTQ+ acceptance, the transgender population still have to jump through hoops to receive healthcare in the UK.
The 'Pegasus' spyware, used to hack deceased journalist Jamal Kashoggi, has been confirmed to exist in Apple devices - a new software update was released to counter the issue.
Chris Girard, Associate Professor, Florida International University, explains how rural-urban cleavages in Afghanistan are revealed by coevolving informatics.
Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Assistant professor, Scientific programme co-ordinator at the University of Turku, discusses the development of social inequalities across labour market careers.
Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, Chief Medical Examiner at Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, describes the importance of medicolegal death investigation, an important function for governments around the world.
As reports of an explosion outside Kabul airport roll in, the US Government remains adamant that Tuesday (31 August) will remain the deadline for evacuation.
This study, published in Journal of Population Economics, found that gay men still earn 6.8% less than heterosexual men - across places in Australia, the US, and EU.