
The expansion of digital travel authorisations: A positive step or a missed opportunity?

The expansion of digital travel authorisations shows the UK’s commitment to modernising immigration processes. Michelle Holmes from Holmes & Partners Limited explores the associated benefits and risks, and opportunities for immigration and compliance companies.

Conservative government: The impact on UK immigration law and policy

Legal minds analyse what could happen to immigration law and policy in the UK under the policies of the Conservative government.

General Election: What will the Conservative impact on UK immigration be?

Sophie Barrett Brown, Senior Partner and Head of UK practice at Laura Devine, tells us what to expect from a Conservative impact on UK immigration.

Why Trump’s draconian refugee policies are nothing new to the UK

Here, Damon Culbert from Axis Solicitors highlights parallels between President Trump's refugee policies and UK laws, whilst exploring the impact of Brexit.

What do the latest EU migration statistics mean for immigration?

In the run-up to the general election, legal experts Sophie Barrett-Brown and Miglena Ilieva discuss Conservative immigration promises with the latest EU migration statistics.

UK government charges children £640 to apply for citizenship

In this article, Valerie Peay, Director for the International Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR), describes the profit-making scheme used by the UK government on children who apply for citizenship.

Gambia takes Myanmar to court over Rohingya genocide

The Gambia today (11 November) takes Myanmar to court, filing a case on the Rohingya Genocide that created waves of refugees.

What’s new with immigration policy in Eastern Europe?

In the third of a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in Eastern Europe, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.

What’s new for immigration policy in South America?

In the second of a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in South America, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.

What’s new for immigration policy in Western Europe?

In a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in Western Europe, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.

Syrian refugees: Hundreds forced to return to war zone

A report released today (25 October) investigates how Turkish authorities forced Syrian refugees to return to a war zone, in the lead-up to the current offensive in the northeast.

NHS Confederation on Queen’s Speech: “Develop a credible domestic agenda”

The NHS Confederation and Amnesty International respond to the Queen's Speech, highlighting elements such as a credible domestic agenda and a need for immigration reform.

Modern slavery: Brexit threatens to worsen conditions

Here, Harry Sanders from the Immigration Advice Service explains how Brexit is poised to worsen the existence of modern slavery in the UK.

New report reveals extent of exploitation in Qatar

New research by Amnesty International published reveals migrant exploitation in Qatar are going unpaid despite promises to improve workers’ rights.

Bangladesh: Clampdown on Rohingya freedom

Human Rights Watch say Bangladesh should end restrictions on Rohingya freedom of movement and access to the internet.

Brexit uncertainty creates new human rights problems

The on-going Brexit uncertainty poses serious human rights issues, Amnesty International said today.

Rohingya children: A ‘lost generation’ in Bangladesh

Two years after an ethnic cleansing forced around 700,000 Rohingya to flee Myanmar for Bangladesh, where Rohingya children are still living in camps.


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