Innovation is difficult to quantify, yet its impact is undeniable. The Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators™ 2024 report ranks the world's most forward-thinking companies and institutions, measuring their technological impact and industry leadership.
Eugene M. Terentjev, a professor of Polymer Physics at the University of Cambridge looks at smart, reusable adhesion through liquid crystalline elastomers.
Dr Helen M Rowe at the Centre for Immunobiology at the Queen Mary University of London looks towards unlocking dark matter for the potential to boost immune responses in humans.
What’s the return on basic research spending? What can policymakers do to make basic research more valuable, beyond simply spending more taxpayer money? And what role will private innovation have?.
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has released its largest near-infrared image ever taken enabling astronomers to map the origin of our universes rarest galaxies.
Searching in a dwarf galaxy, scientists have found a previously overlooked cache of massive black holes which may prove influential for future space research.
The leaked draft of the European Innovation Agenda finds that research salaries are generally higher in the US and Japan, while currently 85% of start-up funding goes to all-male teams.
The European Commission is modernising the Industrial Emissions Directive by updating the rules to transition towards a climate-neutral economy and fostering innovation against emissions.
Open Access Government delves into the innovation cohesion priorities of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, for 2022 and beyond.
The National Institute of Standards & Technology works to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology to enhance economic security and improve quality of life.
David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, highlights agricultural innovation and its challenges, including how the USDA’s NIFA is supporting this policy area.