Investment is usually to allocate money into something that will reap benefit in the future. Durable goods, real estate, factories, product development and research and development are all viable options for investment. The most common of however is investing in financial assets.
Opportunities to invest are always appearing, some beneficial and others not. The rising popularity and success of cryptocurrency in the last few years have shown high amounts of people investing in things such a bitcoin. Investors involved in riskier opportunities expect a higher return. The risks involved with investing are the chances of losing your initial amount and gaining nothing.
Álvaro Mendez and Chris Alden from LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and Political Science, analyse China’s growing presence in Latin America concerning trade, diplomacy, and strategic influence.
Thanks to billions of pounds for foreign investment in UK, thousands of jobs are expected to be generated throughout the the country according to the UKs department of business and trade.
Joanne Green, Head of Public Sector at Neos Networks, outlines how local authorities can harness smart technologies and digital tools to drive infrastructural, social and economic improvements across their local areas.
Whether in software development, the automotive industry or the maintenance of industrial machinery – artificial intelligence (AI) is booming. Here are some AI trends for 2023.
Paul Christie, Co-Founder and CEO of Tachmed, examines the benefits of a more joined-up approach in health and welfare spending to combat threats to global health.
Director & Co Founder Fergus Magennis at Invoka Consulting explores how economic uncertainty is affecting organisations and the public sector, and how digital transformation can help.
A recession can lead to business cash flow problems in your organisation, here's how you can learn to recession-proof your finances with effective cash flow management.
As it stands right now, it is not controversial to say that the UK is experiencing an economic crisis – but what can be done to protect the stability of its public sector?
Why has Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) changed, and how is geospatial data being under-utilised for fund managers and real estate portfolio holders?
David Marlow, Managing Director of Third Life Economics and a member of the Institute of Economic Development, discusses local, regional, national, global and institutional issues as a result of the Levelling Up White Paper, which could affect universities’ support for economic development.
Professor Kiran Trehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement at the University of York, an organisational member of the Institute of Economic Development, argues the case for new forms of leadership to drive economic development and innovation.