Investment is usually to allocate money into something that will reap benefit in the future. Durable goods, real estate, factories, product development and research and development are all viable options for investment. The most common of however is investing in financial assets.
Opportunities to invest are always appearing, some beneficial and others not. The rising popularity and success of cryptocurrency in the last few years have shown high amounts of people investing in things such a bitcoin. Investors involved in riskier opportunities expect a higher return. The risks involved with investing are the chances of losing your initial amount and gaining nothing.
Álvaro Mendez and Chris Alden from LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and Political Science, analyse China’s growing presence in Latin America concerning trade, diplomacy, and strategic influence.
Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the Municipality of Varberg
Travellers may be disrupted as Network Rail begins major Christmas investment programme this weekend
Service restrictions will be in place from Saturday 23 December to...
Against a backdrop of lethargic growth and productivity, is technology the answer to unlocking future gains in workplace productivity?
In 2014, a Bank of France...
Gary Townley, Business Manager at the UK Intellectual Property Office outlines the importance of protecting your innovation and research through Intellectual Property protection.
Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment highlights why Europe needs a circular economy.
Everyone who looks closely at the economic and environmental realities of...