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James Webb Space Telescope

SIMP 0136: JWST unveils the complex atmosphere of starless super-Jupiter

Previously thought to be defined by simple cloud patterns, NASA's JWST has unveiled the astonishing complexity of SIMP 0136, a starless super-Jupiter.

JWST and NASA: Understanding star formation in the early universe

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), in collaboration with NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency, is conducting research into early star formation in galaxies.

JWST potentially locates water vapour on exoplanet

Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to look at a rocky exoplanet known as GJ 486 b, researchers find signs of water vapour – hinting at an atmosphere.

Galaxies that shouldn’t exist? JWST confounds scientists yet again

New information provided by the James Webb Space Telescope indicates six galaxies that shouldn’t exist - the telescope has revealed these earliest and largest galaxies on NASA’s radar might be even bigger and more mature than previously thought possible.

JWST: Tiny distant galaxy gives clues to Big Bang’s history

JWST researchers have been able to locate a tiny distant galaxy which originated around 500 million years after the Big Bang – in the universe’s youth.

James Webb Space Telescope detects dust storm on exoplanet VHS 1256b

For the first time, a raging dust storm has been observed by the James Webb Space Telescope on the exoplanet known as VHS 1256b, which is outside our Solar System.

Using Hubble to see the Tarantula Nebula in new detail

Combining data on the Tarantula Nebular from two different observing proposals, a team from Hubble has revealed how interstellar dust interacts with starlight in a variety of environments.

JWST: Capturing the secrets of space ice chemistry on video

Different particles of space ice have been discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in a molecular cloud’s darkest and coldest regions.

Cosmic hourglass captured by the JWST reveals birth of a star

Observing an ethereal cosmic hourglass courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the birth of a very young star or ‘protostar’.

Viewing the lonely dwarf galaxy in striking detail

An opportunity to further understand the early universe and the lonely dwarf galaxy has been provided by the near-infrared camera of the James Webb Space Telescope.

The Pillars of Creation: a James Webb update

The stunningly high-resolution telescope has captured yet more pictures of our universe in unprecedented detail and beauty with its newest release showing us the ‘Pillars of Creation’.

New ‘super Earth’ discovered where you could live for more than 29,000 years

Scientists have discovered two ‘super Earth’ type planets about 100 light-years from our Earth where 1 year is 8.5 days.

The Phantom Galaxy: a Hubble and James Webb collaboration

A collaboration of the two greatest telescopes has resulted in this stunning image of the phantom galaxy Messier 74 located 32 million lightyears away.

Viewing the universe: The “incredible” auroras of Jupiter

It seems every week the magic of the James Webb telescope grips us all again, viewed in unprecedented detail the telescope has revealed the giant storms, moons, rings and auroras of Jupiter.

Exploring the Cartwheel Galaxy through James Webb

The James Webb Space Telescope is continuing to open our eyes to the wonders of our universe and the galaxies within it including what...

Why doesn’t Jupiter have bigger rings?

Due to its size, Jupiter should theoretically have even more specular rings than Saturn however research has shown that its massive moons are preventing this.

The unseen universe, a new era for astronomy through James Webb

NASA has revealed a selection of new images from the James Webb Space Telescope JWST – allowing us to gain a whole new vision of the universe.


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