The European Commission has announced the launch of RM Comp, a new tool designed to help research managers across Europe develop key skills, enhance their careers, and align practices with European standards.
While higher minimum wage has been connected to improved quality of life, US data finds that fewer people tend to default on their rent payments - making landlords raise rent prices.
The average wages for healthcare workers rose less than wages in other industries during 2020 and the first six months of 2021 across the US – despite the pandemic causing healthcare burnout.
An increase in “deaths of despair” – suicide and overdose – across the US has been linked to robot manufacturing which is gradually replacing people in their jobs.
Research finds that the longer refugees are living in the U.S., the lower their likelihood of finding long-term employment becomes, even with the assistance of employment services.
Researchers find that women pursuing more managerial positions on company boards will lead to lower risk-taking and better outcomes for businesses, when discussing merit and goodwill.
Irene Kriesi and Miriam Grønning explain how initial vocational education and training in Switzerland facilitates fast and smooth labour market entry, but also offers heterogenous career prospects.
The Government’s LGBT Business Champion, Iain Anderson discusses LGBT inclusion in the workplace, hosting businesses and charities at event in Manchester.
Nikolas Kairinos, CEO,, believes that soft skills are crucial for remote and flexible roles, and offers advice on how to move up the career ladder into positions that better utilise individuals’ abilities.
Gill Nye, Executive Head of HR at Cantium Business Solutions, explores the effect long covid will have on the workplace, with a particular focus on occupational health provision.
Sebastien Sepierre, MD EMEA at Fourth, says that retailers must turn to digital workforce management solutions if they wish to retain and attract staff.
Jackie Denyer, MD and Founder, Professional Training Solutions, discusses why attitudes towards apprenticeships and training need to change after organisations realised that the UK workforce is ill-equipped to handle shortages, during the pandemic.
Neil Debenham, renowned business trouble-shooter, consultant and private equity specialist, explores why businesses should ignore employee engagement only at their peril.
Peter Collison, Head of Formative Assessment and School Platforms at RM, discusses what the education sector, and particularly the way in which the assess UK pupils, can do to eliminate attainment gaps in the UK.
Professor Martin Jones, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Designate at Staffordshire University, discusses why it is important for mature students to retrain to future proof their career chances.