The European Commission has announced the launch of RM Comp, a new tool designed to help research managers across Europe develop key skills, enhance their careers, and align practices with European standards.
Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
Dean Billington, Chief Operating Officer at Brains Bioceutical, discusses the pivotal role of the life science sector in spearheading the post-Covid economic recovery and why driving forward R&D and innovation should be the nation’s top priority.
Charles Knight, Managing Director of Public Services at Totalmobile, explores what the public sector might look like post-Covid for its mobile workforce.
Professor of Mathematics Education Ilana Seidel Horn offers a compelling insight into how teachers individually navigate their field through pedagogical reasoning and responsibility.
Faisal Abbasi, Managing Director Western Europe and MEMA, Amelia, explores how the government can make the most of its Help to Grow scheme to boost entrepreneurship and create the next generation of technology leaders.
Julia Stuckey, Business & Economy Manager at Swindon Borough Council, discusses working with a diverse range of partners to help mitigate the impact of the closure of the Honda factory.
SDG Group is a global data and analytics consulting firm, offering in-depth expertise that empowers its clients’ strategies to become data-driven enterprises and bridges the gap between data and business decisions.
Samuel Schofield, VP EMEA, Udacity, discusses the importance of upskilling today’s workforce and the responsibility of the public sector in supporting this.