The European Commission has announced the launch of RM Comp, a new tool designed to help research managers across Europe develop key skills, enhance their careers, and align practices with European standards.
As the working world is changing forever, Nicola Urquhart, Lecturer in Careers and Employability at the University of Kent, explains in National Careers Week why post-graduate study is the key to future professional development.
Alex Drinkall, Communications and Stakeholder Lead, and Martin Sinclair, Programme Lead at Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, educate us about the digital learning transformation programme.
Tushar Agarwal, CEO and Co-founder, Hubble, discusses how 2020 broke all the rules around the way society makes life-changing decisions revolving around our proximity to work and how on a macro-level this will fundamentally affect cities, countries and continents.
Luis Navarro, CEO and Co-Founder at Totality Services, discusses how you can make sure that new starters hit the ground running when working remotely during lockdown.
After COVID-19 hit the NHS, the public health crisis highlighted the poignant and essential nature of nursing work - leading to student nurse applications increasing to 60,130 for 2021.
Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, a specialist in Women’s health at The Marion Gluck Clinic, explores how Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) can affect working women and how they can discuss this problem with their employer.
Crawford Temple, CEO and founder of Professional Passport, outlines what an umbrella company is and how the umbrella model works with reference to the Off-Payroll legislation changes.
Rachel Robinson, EVP Public Sector Services at Teleperformance, comments on how businesses can successfully recruit, onboard and train new starters all while working remotely.
The European Commission has allocated €14 billion to nine Member States under the Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) programme.
Andy Jansons, Director of Jansons Property discusses, explores the logic behind releasing Green Belt land for employment sites in tandem with releasing land for the construction of housing in the same area.
Michaela Bruckmayer, analyst and Joanna Hofman, associate director at RAND Europe, discusses how taking a career break to have children comes with a cost to women in the EU and how thinking needs to change to best tackle the issue.