Rates of physical and sexual violence higher against non-binary and trans people

Residents of California who identify as non-binary and transgender experience alarmingly higher rates of physical and sexual violence, according to the first annual survey...

The Online Safety Bill will endanger LGBTQ+ people on a global scale

With its Online Safety Bill, the UK seeks to set a “world-leading” legislative example for other nations to follow, but how will the LGBTQ+ community be affected globally?

Breach of universal human rights: Uganda’s anti-homosexuality act

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni has approved the enactment of an extremely strict anti-homosexuality act, which has garnered extensive criticism both in Uganda and globally for its alleged violation of universal human rights.

‘Heteronormativity’ can affect transgender and non-binary people at work

Some of the challenges that transgender and non-binary staff can face are due to the workplace culture of ‘heteronormativity’, which can impact inclusivity.

90% of female-identifying transgender prisoners kept in male prisons

Across the UK, changes are being made to the framework policies for the allocation of transgender prisoners – most with thorough risk assessments.

How can Americans attain full health and wellness potential?

Open Access Government examines how the U.S. is building a stronger foundation for a healthier future – one in which every American can attain their full health and wellness potential.

Research finds that 97% of women in the UK have been sexually harassed

An investigation by UN Women UK found that 97% of women surveyed have been sexually harassed, with a further 96% not reporting those situations because of the belief that it would not change anything.

STEM: Wicked problems and the diversified team

Dr Larry Earnhart, Chair, Dept. of Quantitative Studies University Canada West, sheds light on wicked problems and the diversified team when it comes to STEM.

Gay and bisexual men at highest risk of monkeypox

Gay and bisexual men at highest risk of contracting monkeypox which is spread via sexual intercourse and skin-to-skin contact.

Keeping up to date with the symptoms of monkeypox

There are important differences in the symptoms of monkeypox between the current outbreak and previous outbreaks in endemic regions.

How to make your organisation more LGBTQIA+ inclusive?

From training to representation, efforts to make organisations and workplaces more LGBTQIA+ inclusive are needed everywhere.

Sexual minorities more likely to have risky coping mechanisms

Sexual minorities are more likely to engage in risky coping mechanisms such as having unprotected sex, drinking and smoking.

The UK Government has rejected gender neutral toilets in public buildings

The UK Government has announced its plan to place separate male and female toilets in all new public buildings – forgoing gender neutral toilets to protect women.

Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy reduces suicidal ideation

People who undergo Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy have high grades of satisfaction with the physical and psychological effects – and have fewer suicidal thoughts.

Study finds 2.5% of transgender kids go through detransition

The research found that 2.5% of transgender kids go through detransition, while the majority of young people keep their gender identity after five years.

AI finds men represented four times more than women in literature

Machine learning algorithms have found that men are represented four times more than women in literature, with transgender and non-binary people largely missing.

UK Government excludes transgender conversion therapy from ban 

The UK government have partially banned conversion therapy for gay and bisexual individuals, while transgender conversion therapy is still legal.


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