Rates of physical and sexual violence higher against non-binary and trans people

Residents of California who identify as non-binary and transgender experience alarmingly higher rates of physical and sexual violence, according to the first annual survey...

The great democratic deficit of women in politics

Gender parity in the public sector remains an essential endeavour: with diversity and inclusion at the forefront of modern politics, we still beg the question, where are all the women?

First case of woman cured from HIV, after dual stem-cell transplant

The first ever woman cured from HIV underwent a dual stem-cell transplant, which seems to have made her genetically resistant to HIV and put her cancer into remission.

One in five LGBT+ physicists experience exclusionary behaviour

LGBT+ physicists face exclusionary behaviours that can lead to a change of field - with 15% of early career scientists identifying as LGBT+, what could this mean for the future?

Global COVID-19 responses could help to end HIV

Global COVID-19 responses could serve as a coordinated approach to end the HIV pandemic - bettering global immunisation to both viruses.

Clinical trials begin for three mRNA HIV vaccines

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched Phase 1 clinical trials for three mRNA HIV vaccines.

The life-threatening perseverance of HIV stigma

The stigma, discrimination and lack of understanding around HIV is still persisting even 41 years after the first reported case

Only 50% of transgender patients feel supported by doctors

Only half of transgender patients report supportive primary care experiences, with more understanding healthcare experiences decreasing psychological distress.

The social realities behind transgender resilience 

Transgender people face a lot of discrimination, hostility, and tension in their everyday lives, especially in rural areas in the US - leading to strategies of transgender resilience.

The need for inclusivity within environmental justice

Yale university researchers have called for a more inclusive environmental justice movement for the LGBTQ+ community

Research shows Helsinki is least stressful city in the world

According to data on light pollution, LGBT safety and living costs, Helsinki is the least stressful city in the world - with 0% of the population living in poverty.

NHSE sanctions limit basic healthcare for young trans people

Lui Asquith, Director of Legal and Policy at Mermaids, dissects new NHSE sanctions placed on young trans people looking for basic healthcare.

UK to wipe historical convictions for same-sex sexual activity

The UK government will continue more pardons for people with historical criminal convictions of same-sex consensual sexual activity.

Transgender mental health: What age is best to begin hormone treatment?

A new study finds that transgender people who begin hormone treatment in adolescence have better mental health, than those waiting until adulthood.

Investing in Switzerland’s researchers and their ideas

Assistant Editor of Open Access Government, investigates how the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is shaping research in Switzerland

The disproportionate risk of HIV amongst the transgender community

A new study estimates HIV disproportionately affects trans feminine women, with 20% of trans feminine individuals being positive with the virus, highlighting the need for prevention efforts and appropriate sex education.

LGBT Business Champion promotes inclusivity at work

The Government’s LGBT Business Champion, Iain Anderson discusses LGBT inclusion in the workplace, hosting businesses and charities at event in Manchester.


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