Glasgow has secured £5 million in research funding to fight health inequalities. A partnership of city organisations will use data and research to address factors like poverty, housing, and education, aiming to improve the lives of all Glaswegians.
The housing shortage is forcing councils to spend more than £2 million a day on temporary accommodation for homeless families, LGA analysis has revealed
Low cost, low carbon electricity and heating is set to cut bills for locals as the council-funded Gateshead District Energy Centre opens today
The pioneering...
East Hampshire District Council has once again set itself apart from other local authorities up and down the country by cutting council tax bills
Roads Minister announces £4 million in project funding for smart parking, traffic management and charging point availability technology across England
The government is awarding £4...
Oxford City Council has launched a new scheme designed to guarantee rents to private landlords letting to tenants at risk of homelessness
A rent guarantee...
Mark Raeburn, Managing Director of Capita One, shares three points local authorities should be aware of in their approach to integrated health and social...
The UK government plans to make local council boycotts of countries and companies – particularly Israel – illegal, in new measures announced this week
A new Swindon solar park will generate income for the Borough Council as well as fuelling its ambitious renewable energy targets
Building work has started...
A sea change is needed among local authorities to make personal budgets dementia friendly, argues George McNamara of the Alzheimer’s Society
People with dementia and...