Glasgow has secured £5 million in research funding to fight health inequalities. A partnership of city organisations will use data and research to address factors like poverty, housing, and education, aiming to improve the lives of all Glaswegians.
As the true extent of local government deficits comes to light, unlocking digital’s full potential will be the key to delivering council services in the future, says David McKinney, Local Government Managing Director at Servelec.
Simon Gray, Head of Finance and Operations at Agilisys, discusses how modern agile financial management systems can enhance strategic decision making in the public sector.
Chris Haden, CEO of Engeneum Limited, tells us about Private Sector Innovation that could equally provide public sector with improved efficiency, greater accuracy, and cost savings.
Adam Heuman, Vice-President Global Development and Communication, EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation, sheds light on the challenge of COVID-19 for emerging markets.
Louise Sunderland, Local Government Sector Lead at Ignite Consulting, outlines three steps that public sector organisations can take to deliver genuine value from their technology investment.
Glen Ocskó, Head of Local Government at Made Tech, explores how councils need to unleash the value of their data to realise the potential it has to revolutionise the way our towns and cities are run.
Nick Sacke, Head of IoT Solutions, Comms365, discusses some priority challenges local authorities face & how IoT deployments can be rapidly rolled out & scaled to overcome & exceed such challenges.
Coca Rivas, director of design at dxw, explores what she sees as the key conflict when it comes to service design in the public sector - what the organisation wants, versus what they need.
David McKinney, Local Government Managing Director at Servelec, argues that Integrated Care Systems (ICS) will fall at the first hurdle if local authorities aren’t viewed and treated as equal partners.
Rob Arkell, Growth Director at Domain7, ponders the conversations held by local government leaders discussing the business and technology changes that will stay as a result of COVID.