A British start-up has been revealed to have secured a £1 million prize from the UK government for a breakthrough AI technology that is transforming how new materials are developed.
Thierry Baffie, research engineer at the CEA/LITEN Grenoble (France) and coordinator of the EU project SUPREME, highlights the achievements in sustainable powder metallurgy processes.
Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, outlines how research and testing in battery calorimeters improves materials for thermal propagation mitigation in Lithium-ion batteries.
A series of breakthroughs in materials science are helping to drive efficiency in aerospace manufacturing, by improving material properties and reducing aircraft production times, whilst maintaining a low overall weight.
Yuzuru Miyazaki, Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, at Tohoku University enlightens us on his research on exploring novel energy-harvesting materials.
Thomas W. Hansen, Senior Scientist at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark details an aspect of materials science that concerns the role of nanostructures and nanoparticles in contemporary society. Much of the discussion focuses on why a fundamental property of these materials is the melting point.
Hitoshi Abe from the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) and SOKENDAI (the Graduate University for Advanced Studies) explains how a surface science solution will help to shape our society and increase safety and security.
Dr Frédéric Pichelin, Head of Institute for Materials and Wood Technology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences tells us about an intriguing and affordable building material made from coconut husks, called Cocoboards that can be used to support social housing
Moniek Tromp, Van t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, Sustainable Materials Characterisation sheds light on sustainable materials and their benefits
Prof Mikael S Hedenqvist and Dr Oisik Das from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden explain self-reinforced gluten polymers and why they are a step towards a true biocomposite
Jennifer Unsworth, Senior associate and patent attorney at Withers & Rogers LLP shares her expertise on the race for innovators to find sustainable polymer-based materials
Silvia Vignolini, Reader in Chemistry and Biomaterials at University of Cambridge explores the wonderful world of colour and how it affects our perception and...
The effect of carbonation induced corrosion on reinforced concrete must be addressed both for safety and environmental reasons, say researchers from ETH Zurich.