Mental Health

Understanding and protecting mental health later in life

Mental health is constantly addressed in the modern world, but its impact on older adults is not addressed or understood as often.

CBD effective for chronic and severe anxiety

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, may halve the severity of symptoms and impairment caused by chronic anxiety.

Smells experienced in nature improve mental health

Smells experienced in nature improve wellbeing and mental health by making us feel more relaxed, joyful, and healthy.

What are the mental and physical health benefits of essential oils?

Essential oils have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties. However, scientists have only now started studying and exploring the potential benefits of essential oils.

4 ways employers can improve support for mental and physical health

Two-thirds of employees feel uncomfortable raising mental and physical health issues with employers – here’s how employers can improve their support.

Drug relapse and withdrawal worsened by sleep disruptions

Relapse presents a major barrier to recovery from substance use disorders, and sleep disruptions have long been associated with drug withdrawal and relapse.

Managing children with ADHD

Children with ADHD less able to multitask as brain works differently to those without, but medication can help.

Racial discrimination worsens physical and mental health

Experiences of racial discrimination increase the risk of physical and mental illnesses and health disorders for people of colour.

Depression is not caused by low serotonin levels

Chemical imbalance theory debunked as there is "no convincing evidence" that depression is caused by low serotonin levels.

Feminist values improve body image perception in women

Mothers and daughters who adhere to feminist values speak more positively about their bodies, suggesting that feminism may encourage better body image perception.

Vitamin B6 supplements help reduce anxiety and depression

Taking high-dose vitamin B6 tablets can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, new research reveals.

The Decision-Making Guide to taking HRT

In this exclusive guide to HRT, menopause specialist Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores the ups and downs involved in the decision to start taking HRT

Spiritual community participation is associated with better health

Having a spiritual community can help people live healthier lives, with greater longevity, less depression and suicide, and less substance use.

Players of video games could have enhanced brain activity through gaming

Players of video games show enhanced brain activity – potentially giving them useful life tools in perceptual decision-making.

Drinking alone can indicate signs of alcohol use disorder

For young adults, especially women, drinking alone can increase the risk of developing an alcohol use disorder later in life.

People with obesity have a 55% increased risk of developing depression

Long-term, high-fat diets both expand the waistline and shrink the brain, heightening the chances of mental illness for people with obesity.

How does mindfulness meditation reduce pain in the body?

Mindfulness meditation reduces pain by separating it from the self, where neural circuitry supports mindfulness-induced pain relief


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